Paduka Sahasram E-Book
Srimathe RangaRamanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Vedantha Ramanuja
Srimathe Srinivasa Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Bhagavathe Bhashyakaraaya Mahadesikaya
Sri Ranganatha Parabrahmane Namaha
Sri Ranganatha Divyamani Padhukabhyam Namaha
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Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam Commnication channels
1. Sri Ranganatha
Paduka -- Monthly Magazine -- Tamil Print
version Current
Member Count as on
15/03/2014 Also
available E edition in Tamil as well as in English. Subscriptions
click here
Andavan Ashramam yahoogroup
3. Andavan Ashramam
4. SrimathAndavan facebook
Srimath Andavan
is presently camping in Chennai. Regular Aradanams
are being carried out . Devotees are visiting everyday and get manthradchadai
from H.H.
A great Opportunity to this web site readers : Here is the MP3
audio rendering of the entire Srimath Valmiki Ramayanam's Sundara Kandam, done with the Thiruvaakku of our beloved Acharyan
Srimushnam Andavan,Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan. These are available in MP3 as Cds in our Chennai Ashramam
Book Store.The same is uploaded in this web site,
mainly for those, who are unable to get the Cds.
You can access the Sargas from the " Audio "in this web site.
One great thing done by our Acharyan
in that He himself has recited Sri Alavandar's Stotrams, Sri Ramanuja's Gadya Thrayam, Swami Desikan's entire Stotrams and
also 1008 slokas of Sri Paduka
Sahasram. This is indeed a great effort by our Acharyan. Our request is to pay your gratitude in some
way or other to our Acharyan, which we do not want
to elaborate. The least you can do is to purchase these audio MP3 Cds to your self from Ashramam Book Stores. To our knowledge His Holiness Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan is
the only Acharyan, who has done this and it for you
to enjoy hearing them
: All Ashramam
news updates as well as monthly Panchaangam will be
available to andavan yahoo groups as well as andavan blogspot and Ashramam facebook. Readers are
requested to be in touch in any of them regularly Those who register , will automatically get the updates in their
mail box.
Our Ashramam has a branch in USA Sri Ramanuja
Mission Inc. They carry out Ashramam related
activities as per the "niyamanam" of
His Holiness Srimath RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan. For more details please refer to their web
site www.ramanujamission.org
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam Calendar for Vijaya Varusham,
Panguni (maasam)Month Ashramam Panchaanga Sangraham—, by Our Ashramam Srikaryam , Sri U. Ve. Vaduvur Veeravalli Desikachariar Swamy.
This website is maintained under the guidance and directions of Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam.--Web site is organised and maintained by Sri R Srinivasan, Anna Nagar, Chennai
-Contact e mail address is r_sv@yahoo.com