July 2011
105th Tirunakshatra Pathrika of Srimath Tirukkudanthai Andavan
June 2010
Sri Deva Perumal of Kanchipuram
during Thotti Tirumanjanam during this year's Vaikasi Brahmothsavam
The only day in a year Perumal has Vadakalai Tiruman. On other days only a chutti adorns
Monthly Newsletter Archives
For the information of yahoogroups members: Since the formation of this group,all the news updates are now archived in the andavan yahoo groups. Hence those who are already members of this group will be able to see the informations from the group listings. We request others, who have not yet become members,to enrol for the membership.For free membership registration please refer to the web site opening page.
April, 2009
15th March, 2009 His Holiness is now back in Chennai Ashramam and regular Aaraadanams are performed as usual. The trial. E Edition of Sri Ranganatha Paduka for Panguni is already mailed to all andavan yahoo group members.It will soon appear in this web site also. Ashramam Calendar
2003 December See below for details
2002 Archives
2001 Archives
An incident in Swamy Desikan's life
2000 Archives
1999 Archives
October/September Update
1998 Archives
September/October Newsletter
May Newsletter
March Newsletter
1997 Archives
October/November Newsletter
June/July Newsletter
April/May Newsletter
March/April Newsletter
February Newsletter
December 2003
KOODAARAI VELLUM - Festival - 2004 at Srimath Andavan Ashramam, at Bangalore Sripuram on 11th January 2004,in the presence of H.H.--Refer below for details.
The current issue of Sri Ranganatha Paduka,for the month of Kaarthigai, carries full details of the function being held at Bangalore Sripuram Ashramam, in the immediate presence of His Holiness Sri RangaRamanuja Maha Desikan Swamigal.His Holiness is delivering "Thiruppavai" discourse there. " Koodarai Vellum" Paasuram comes on 11th January 2004,on which day this festival is being celebrated, with 1008 "thada"s "chakkarai pongal" as desired by Sri Andal herself, during her period. This will be a reenactment of her wish. His Holiness invites devotees participate in this function and make it a grand, success, similar to what was done last year in Chennai Ashramam.
For full details on this Sri Ranganatha Paduka may be referred.Payment for "Silver Thada(vattil)" can be made in Indian Currency also. The cost of Rs. 1350 is fixed for this, and may be paid in cash or by cheque presently at H.H. camp site at Chennai Ashramam. This can be sent by post from outstations preferably through DD drawn for payment in Chennai.This is to be in favour of "Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam" and posted to No.21, Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Desikachari Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004, India. For follow up from our end , please confirm your participation by e mail to r_sv@yahoo.com by 1st Dec.2003
As far as Ashramam, is concerned, it would like the payment in Rupees itself from NRIs if they have Indian connection. Dollar Cheque option is only for those, who opt for it. But for making proper arrangements, we need your confirmation by 1st Dec 2003. positively, mainly for those who are opting for "silver thada (vattil). Those residing overseas, who opt for e-payment, may use the facilty as stated above at the top of this page.
For those who want to opt for brass vattil and pay only Rs. 101 only.
As at present 101 silver vattils and 1001 brass vattils, are planned for the occasion. Devotees who are interested, are advised to book early and avoid any possible disappointment later. Your confirmation may be made through internet to this e mail r_sv@yahoo.com, followed by payment.
For the information of Andavan Yahoo group members living outside India,,we now have an understanding with our Ashramam's branch in USA,Sri Ramanuja Mission.They have suggested, that those who would like to sponsor for Silver or brass vattils can do so as per the message received from them as repeated below.This report is mainly for sponsoring,but the modelity of despatching the vattils to individual sponsors have to be worked out.You may please keep in touch with Sri Shyam Sreenivasan of Sri Ramnuja Mission on this or an e mail to me. To order for the vattils and get them in time for the festival, we need cofirmation from the sponsors by 1st Dec. With best regards, Daasan, R.Srinivasan
Many of you are aware that our Ashramam has conducted very successfully early this year the first "KOODARAI VELLUM - 2003" festival, in Chennai. His Holiness delivered Thiruppavai discourse at that time in Chennai Ashramam. On the day of discourse on "Koodarai Vellum" paasuram, "1008 kalasams" of "Chakkarai Pongal" was prepared and presented to Ashramam Nithya Aaraadana Perumal, Sri Rukmini Sathyabama Sametha Venugopalaswamy. It was a grand sight to see thousands devotees participating enthusiastically at that time in January 2003.
Based on the enthusiasm shown by devotees this year, His Holiness would like to continue this for the coming year also, at the Ashramam. This time HH will be camping in Bangalore Sripuram Ashramam for Dhanur Month and "Koodarai Vellum - 2004" will be celebrated at that place. We request all devotees to participate in large numbers and make it a success.
It may also be mentioned that this festival was also very close to the heart of our earlier Aacharyan the famous "Thirukkudanthai Aandavan Swamigal", who himself has done this once.
At Bangalore festival, the vessels in which "Chakkarai Pongal" being offered is also being made of Silver, as many devotees opted for the same, as a token of remembrance.
The photograph of the same is being reproduced here to give an idea of how it will look, with the image of Sri Ranganathan Paduka engraved on the same. The weight of the vessel will be approximately 100 to 110 grams of silver. Those who contribute for this will get "Chakkarai Pongal" in this vessel with Perumal and Aacharyans blessings at the conclusion of the function on that day in Bangalore. The exact date will be will be on 11th January 2004
"Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam",
Plot No. 1557,17th Main Road,Anna Nagar West, Chennai 600040,India
Phone 91 44 26164579, fax 91 44 26529672
68th Thirunakshatra Patrika
Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srirangam Srimath Andavan Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan ( Srimushnam Andavan)
68th Thirunakshatra Patrika
By the benign blessings of Srirangam Divya Dampathi and the Padukas of
Poorvacharyas, the 68th Thirunakshatra Mahothsavam of Srirangam Srimath Andavan
Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam Swamigal) will be celebrated in
Thiruvadhirai on Wednesday,the 12th June at Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam,
21 Sir Desikachari Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004 and also at our Ashramams at
other places.
The Parayanams of Vedas and Prabandams will be from 8th
june to 12th june
All the disciples, devotees and well wishers of our Ashramam are requested to
participate in the celebrations and receive the blessings of Srimath Andavan.
By order of H.H. Srimath Andavan
S. Narasimha Raghavan
Report from Srimath
Andavan Ashramam at Mumbai Branch – Goregaon West.
His Holiness scheduled the visit to
this place between 17th and 25th February 2002.
Traditional reception was accorded at 6 PM and His Holiness was taken in
a procession to Sri Ram Mandir at Bangur Nagar.
On 18th Feb 2002, it was
Aekadasi Day. Aaradhanams were
conducted in the morning in the presence of large number of devotees.
At 4 PM Dolotsavam of Sri Venugopalan was performed in the presence of
His Holiness at Vivek Divyalaya. Chairman
of the School committee welcomed all the devotees. At 8 PM on the same day, His Holiness delivered the tele
upanyasam on Sri Alawandhar’s “Chatusloki”.
The Upanyasam lasted for nearly 90 minutes through the Telebridge by the
devotees in USA as well as a few other countries.
It was Dwadasi on 24th
February 2002, and the organizing Committee made all arrangements for the visit
of devotees numbering over 400. This
was coincided by Kulasekara Alwars Thirunakshathram and also starting of
Paraayanams for Srimad Periandavan’s Thirunakshathram on 25th Feb
Periandavan’s Thirunakshathram was
celebrated in a grand manner at Sri Ram Mandir.
A large gathering of devotees waited till the Saathumarai, which was over
at 11 AM and obtained Theertha Prasadam from His Holiness.
After completion of this function at Goregaon, His Holiness left for
Dombivili that afternoon after 3 PM. At
Dombivili Saathumarai of Periandavan’s Thirunakshathram was done that evening
in the presence of His Holiness.
The following are the committee Members of Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Goregaon (West).
Some of the photographs taken during the camp at Goregaon is being published separately.
Click here to view H.H Srirangam Srimath Andavan being received with Poorna Kumbam honours.
Click here to view H.H. Srirangam Srimath Andavan addressing Tele Upanyasam
22--2--2002 Update
Two new html files added. To access please refer menu column.
1. An incident in Swamy Desikan's life.
2. Srimad Andavan Arts &Science College---A Report
14th February Update
Reproduced below is the message received from Sri Ramanuja Mission, USA, for information to our readers.
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 22:44:43 -0500
[RamanujaMission] Recording Online & Feb 17: Upanyasam by Sri U.Ve.Narasimharaghavachariar on Principles of
Saranagathi in Srimath Ramayanam
SrimathE RangarAmAnuja MahAdEsikAya Namaha
SrimathE NigamAntha MahAdEsikAya Namaha
SrimathE BhagavathE BhAshyakArAya MahAdEsikAya Namaha
Sri RanganAtha Divyamani PadukAbhyAm Namaha
His Holiness Srirangam Srimath Andavan Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan's scintillating upanyasam yesterday (02/10/2002) on
Chatusloki with Swami Desikan's Bhashyam as the basis, has been recorded and kept online as real-audio file. You may access the
recorded upanyasam at http://www.ramanujamission.org in the main page under "Announcements" section. In yesterday's upanyasam,
Srimath Andavan gave a discourse on the Vibhuti Dvaya Seshitvam (leela vibhudhi & nithya vibhuthi) of Lakshmi with generous quotes
from Swami Desikan's bhashyam. Srimath Andavan announced that in the next upanyasam (date yet to be finalized), HH will be
continuing on Sloka 1 dwelling more on the doubts that may arise on this and Swami Desikan's bhashyam quelling all doubts on the
significance of "Sri".
Feb 17: We are also glad to announce that we will have an upanyasam each month from senior and very well respected vidwans of
our sampradayam. We will start the first on this series on Sunday Feb 17 by Sri. U.Ve. Narasimharaghavachariar who is the Srikaryam
Swami of Srimath Andavan PeriAshramam. The topic of this upanyasam would be "Srimath Ramayanam and Saranagathi Thathvam"
(Principles of Saranagathi in Srimath Ramayanam). His upanyasams are delectable to hear and would make tears flow in one's eyes.
If you already have the passcode, there is no need to re-register. If you dont plan to attend, please let us know. If you dont have it,
please get the passcode by visiting www.ramanujamission.org under Tele-upanyasam link. This is a FREE service and we request
everyone to utilize this wonderful opportunity to hear this nectarous upanyasams.
PS: We seek a sponsor(s) for the upcoming tele-upanyasam. If you would like to sponsor ($75) please visit www.ramanujamission.org
and contribute thru the secure online payment system.
Shyamsundar Sreenivasan
6th February 2002 News Update
11th Tiruppavai Mahotsavam was held at Srivilliputhur,between 28th Jan. and 30th Jan.2202. This was organised by Sri Andal Tiruppavai Mahotsava Sabha, Thanjavoor,under the guidance of His Holiness Srimath Andavan Swamigal with Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar as Secretary.Several eminent Ubhaya Vedanta Vidwans participated in the 3 day event, at the birth place of Sri Andal.
His Holness is continuing the camping in Mumbai.
Maasi Pushyam, Sri Periandavan Tirunakshatram will be celebrated at His camp site in Goregoan, Sri Ram Mandir.
Panguni Pushyam, Sri Tirukkudanthai Andavan's Tirunakshatram will be celebrated at His camp site in Dombivili Ashramam.
Vaikasi Tiruvadirai, Prakirtham Andavan 's Tirunakshatram will be celebrated at Chennai Ashramam.
As usual, apart from the centers as mentioned above,all Ashramam branches will be celebrating the above events individually, in the presence of local devotees,as before.
01 February 2002 News Update
As already informed through this site, practically the site was dormant for
nearly 3 months, due to failure of host web server, due virus attack. Since we
were able to bring back the site into operation now, we are trying to give some
high lights of the past events, for information. If something is missed
inadvertently, this may please be e mailed to us for inclusion in the next
Srimath Andavan concludes Tele-Upanyasam of Tiruppavai, being organized by Sri
Ramanuja Mission ,USA, for the past 2 years, once every month. During the last
Dhanur Month, Srimath Andavan Ashramam has been active in organizing Tiruppavai
discourses at various Ashramam centers all over India.
1. Srimath Andavan Swamigal Sri Ahobila Mutt, Chembur, Mumbai
2. Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar(SriKaryam), Sripuram Ashramam ,Bangalore
3. Sri Vaduvoor Veeraraghavachariar, Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Chennai
4. Sri Ramanuja Bhattachariar, Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Dombivili, Mumbai
5. Sri Sampath Kumarachariar, Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Jaya Nagar, Bangalore.
6. Sri V.S. Karunakarachaiar, Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam, Anna Nagar, Chennai
7. Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar, Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai
8. Sri Natteri Rajagopalachariar, Sri Sat Sampradaya Sabha. Besant Nagar,
9. Sri Srimath Rangam Ramaswamy Iyengar, Sri Mahalakshmi Sannathi, JP Nagar,
Maha Samprokshanam of Sri Balaji Mandir in Dombvili , Mumbai, was performed in a
grand manner on 20th January 2002, in the immediate presence of His Holiness
Srimath Andavan Swamigal.
Sashtiabda Poorthi celebrations of Srimath Andavan Ashramam National Committee
Chairman, Sri Eyetex Rajagopala Iyengar Swamy was celebrated in a grand manner
on 7th January 2002.It was grand sight to see and hear the vedic recitations of
all 4 vedas and Ghanam, from over 150 vedic pundits from many places. They were
richly honoured by the family of Sri RR. Many temple honours were showered on
the sahtiabdapoorthy couple.
Next big event of Sri Paduka Charities.
Maasi Pushyam-Srimath Periandavan Thirunakshathram and Samashti Upanayanam
for the benefit of poor Brahmin boys of 3 different sects. This will be
conducted on 13th day of Maasi, 25th February 2002, Monday at Srimath Andavan
Ashramam, Mylapore Chennai. Those interested, may contact Sri Paduka Charities
office in Chennai. It is also welcomed for sponsorship of the event, by sharing
the cost of such event, which event, as per Srimath Andavan Ashraama's practice
is done as a free service to poor Brahmin society members, who could not afford
to have this conducted under their own funds. Those interested may contact Sri
Paduka Charities, Chennai, or through e mail
We are happy to announce that the web site is now back into operation after a set back in Nov. last due to virus attack on the web server. Henceforth we will try to bring out news updates regularly.Please await for our next announcement.
Srimath Andavan is presently camping in Mumbai. Maha Samprokshanam of Sri Balaji Temple in Dombivili has been done in the immediate presence of His Holiness,recently . A full report on this will be made available in the next update.
News Update - 26th October, 2001 - Srimath Andavan's Vijaya Yaathra Programme
His Holiness is camping in New Delhi Ashramam until first week of December.From there H.H. proceeds to Mumbai Ashramam at Dombivili. There H.H. will be supervising the additional construction works taking place at Sri Balaji Mandir there. Entire Danur Month Aaraadanaa will be held at Sri Ahobila Mutt Complex in Chembur, including Tiruppaavai discourse every evening at that place. H.H. returns to Dombivili Ashramam and conducts the MahaSamprokshanam of Sri Balaji Mandir on Jan.20th,2002. Both Maasi Pushyam, thirunakshathram of Srimath Periandavan, And also Panguni Pushyam, Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan's Thirunakshthram will be celebrated at Dombivili Ashramam.
During his last visit to Kancheepuram, His Holiness Srimath Andavan Swamigal, desired to submit a Simhasanam with Silver Cladding to Sri Thoopul Desikan. Immediately the work was started with His Holiness contributing Rs. 50,000 from Andavan Ashramam. He desired all devotees to participate in the project. Several Sishyas volunteered for this with their contribution. The Simhasanam was made at a cost of Rs. 3.25 lakhs using about 30 Kgs of Silver. This was dedicated to Sri Thoopul Desikan on the 9th Day of Purattasi Sravana Uthsavam. The Simhasanam was taken in a procession from Srimath Andavan Ashramam. At first this was taken to Sri Vilakkoli Perumal Sannathi, there Perumal was seated in the Simhasanam first along with Ubaya Nachimars and Sri Margathavalli Thayar. The same night it was dedicated to Swami Desikan. Thirumanjanam was done.
On the Purattasi Sravanam day also Swami Desikan placed in the Simhasanam participated in the Mangalasasanam Thirukkolam of Sri Deva Perumal. The same night the Bathrasimhasanam was taken inside garbagriham and Swami Desikan will be seated on that for Nithya Aaradhanam and Thirumanjanam. Large number of devotees had a thrilling experience on this Avathaara Uthsavam. Srimath Andavan, presently camping in New Delhi, is very much pleased on hearing the successful completion of the project. It may be recalled that about 60 years back Sri Akkoor Andavan Swamigal has submitted to Sri Deva Perumal Saaligrama Maalai, Diamond Thirumankaappu, Swarna Thirumanjan Vedi. This was followed 30 years later by Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan Swamigal who dedicted a chariot for Thoopul Sri Swami Desikan.
Photographs taken on the occasion are published along with this report in Photo Gallery.
26th December and 27th December 2000 Updates Contains the following
- An appeal from the National Executive Council of Srimath Andavan Ashramam
- Additional photos of Srimath Andavans' Mangalasasanam at Kancheepuram Temple
- Photos of the Inaugural of Thirumangai Alwars' Pasurams on Lord Badri Narayanan as Inscriptions in Badrinath Temple.
The above appear under the menu alongside the home page. Kindly click on each of these items for access.
15th December 2000
His Holiness Srimath Andavan arrived Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Mylapore Chennai on 12th December evening and he was given a rousing reception by the devotees of Chennai. His Holiness will be camping in Chennai, till end of January 2001, the exact programme will be known at a later date. On 15th December Srimath Andavan begins month long discourse beginning with Avathaarikai today.
He has also nominated Srikaryam Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar Swamy to do the similar discourse at Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Dombivili - Mumbai.
Further, Sri Seva N Srinivasaraghavachariar, is nominated by His Holiness for the same discourse series at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam at Anna Nagar West Chennai.
Today's update includes the Lesson No:3 on our SAMPRADAYAM, and the topic addressed is Prakriti and Karma.
10th December 2000
Today will be well remembered by Srimath Andavan devotees. His Holiness Srimath Andavan Swamigal, performed Mangalaasaasanam of Sri Perundevi Thaayar Sannathi, Sri Azhagiya Singar Sannathi, Sri Devaraja Perumal Sannathi, Swami Desikan and Sri Thaatha Desikan Sannathis in that order, at Kancheepuram. A detailed report on this, will be published separately. Our intention is to inform the devotees all over the world, about this very important event in the History of Srimath Andavan Ashramam, on the same day as a very Hot News!
Srimath Andavan arrived Kanchipuram on the evening of 9th Dec., after his Vijaya Yathra in Karnataka State. He was received with full Temple Honours at the entrance of the Thiruvadi Koil. He was taken around the Four Maada streets, with Naathaswaram and Temple Umbrellas. People in Hundreds were delighted to receive and welcome His Holiness after a long period at Kancheepuram. He was taken to the Srimath Andavan Ashramam located at Srirangaraaja Street. This Ashramam complex is renovated recently, and His Holiness inaugurated the new premises by His Ponnadi.
In this Ashramam Complex at Kancheepuram, Srimath Therazhundur Andavan's Brindavanam is existing and in front of this Brindavanam, there is Sri Venugopala Swami Sannathi.
Today, 10th December, Perumal and Paduka Aradhanams, were conducted in the morning and devotees from many places were happy to receive the blessings of His Holiness at Kancheepuram. Around 10 AM, at the invitation of the Temple administration, and also the Chief Priest of the Temple, Sri Cheema Bhattar, His Holiness was received with Sri Chataari Honours with at the Sixteen Pillar Mandapam, in front of the temple. His Holiness was taken in a procession followed by a large gathering of devotees to the Temple. At the entrance of the Temple, Srimath Andavan was received with Poornakumbham, by Sri Sudharsana Thathachariar, the senior most vedic scholar in Kancheepuram in presence of the Temple officials.
After going through the Prakaarams, His Holiness performed Mangalaasaasanam of Sri Perundevi Thaayar, and presented a beautiful silk saree for Thaayar. After this, Mangalaasaasanam of Sri Azhagiya Singar perumal was performed. Thereafter, Mangalaasaasanam of Sri Devaraja Perumal was performed, and His Holiness presented Thagadi Vasthrams to Perumal. After this, His Holiness visited Swami Desikan and Thatha Desikan Sannadhis in front of the Dwajasthambam and paid Mangalaasaasanam.
For the benefit of the viewers of this website, we have given Four beautiful photographs, of Todays BIG Event at Kancheepuram, in the photogallery of this website. Please click Photogallery to get a glimpse of this great event.
3rd December 2000
Mani Mandapam for Saatchat Swamy,SriVedanta Ramanuja Mahadesikan
This Acharya was born at Tirunarayanapuram 350 years ago.He had all His early education in vedic studies under Sri Ranaganatha Mahadesikan.After taking Dureeyashramam,He settled at a place on the outskirts of Vaduvoor village. There he made vyakyanams for Tiruvoimozhi of Sri Nammalwar,called "Irupatthunaalaayirappadi" and for Swami Desikan's "Rahasyathrayasaram",called "Saaraaswathini".Thirukkudanthai Desikan was the Sishya of Saatchat Swamy. Brindavanam for Sri Saatchat Swamy is even now at the outskirts of Vaduvoor village.
All the poorvacharyas of Munithraya sampradyam visited this Brindavanam and paid Their respects to this Acharya.The same way Srimath Paramahamsethyathi Kozhiyalam Swamy stayed in this village for 6 months and did Kaalakshepams for His sishyas.During this stay His Holiness paid visits to this Brindavanam and paid respects atleast once every month.That is the greateness of this Swamy.
Keeping this tradition Prakirtham Srimath Andavan, Sri Ranga Ramamanuja Mahadesikan visited this place recently,on 14th sept. 2000 and paid respects to this great Acharya.At that time it is gratifying to note that a native family sishyas of our Ashramam, donated their housing plot at the entrance of 'Purana' street for the constuction of Mani Mandapam for Srimath Saatchat Swamy.Srimath Andavan performed Bhoomi Puja for this construction on that day.Our ashramam is taking up the construction of this Mandapam,closely following the one which had come up recently at Vazhuthoor,.Estimated cost for this project is Rs. 15 lakhs.Our Asramam Srikaryam Swamy welcomes donations from well wishers and devotees of our Ashramam.More details may be obtained on this kainkaryam from Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam,21,Desikachari Road,Mylapore,Chennai 600004,India.
December Calender
7th dec. Kaisika Ekadasi.
10th dec. Thirumangai Azhwar Thirunakashthram(Kaarthigai -Kaarthigai) Sri Vaikanasa Deepam
11th dec. Thirppanazhwar Thirunakshthram(Kaarthigai-Rohini)
Thirukkarthigai,Sri Pancharathra Deepam
16th dec.
1st Maargazhi,Dhanur month Aaraadanam begins.
Month long Thirppaavai Discourses begin at the following places
Srimath Andavan Swamigal at Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Mylapore Chennai
Srikaryam Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar at Srimath Andavan Ashramam, at
Dombivili, Mumbai
Sri Seva Nallur Srinivasa Raghavachariar (Sri Seva Swamy) at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam, Anna Nagar ,Chennai.
24th dec. Thondaradipodi Azhwar Thirunakshthram.
25th dec. Sarva Amavaasai , Srimath Hanumath Jayanthi
We wish to inform that the 301st thirunakshathra Mahotsavam of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan Sri Gopalarya Mahadesikan was celebrated with tradional honourson 2nd nov.2000,in the immediate presence of His Holiness Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan.It was a rare sight to see the ghoshti of hundreds of Ubhaya Vedanta Vidwans with Srimath Andavan Swamigal in the lead along with Archa Murthy of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan ,in a procession in the Agraharam of Royampettai Village. A full report on this is awaited from Srikaryam Swamy shortly.Thre is delay in publishing this report since Srikaryam Swamy is travelling along with His Holiness at present in Karnataka State. From Royampettai, His Holiness visited Salem,Hosur and then proceeded to Bangalore where the camp was for a week.Srimath Andavan participated in the Pavithrothsavam celebrations at Sripuram,Bangalore,temple at Srimath Andavan Ashramam last weekend.From there next visit was to Mysore Parakala Mutt,then to Thalai Cauvery for Kadai Mukam and followed by Mudavan Muzhukku today.After these, His Holiness has just reached Melkote and will be performing Mangalasasanam at Thirunarayanapuram temple tomorrow
This Was released on the 301st Thirunakshthram celebrations Day on 2nd Nov.2000,by His Holiness Srimath Andavan. This is a 500 page volume contains the precious works of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan and other works about Him.Important contents of the book are given below as an immediate information
1. Forword by Srimath Andavan Swamigal
2. Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Sambavanai Kramam in sanskrit &tamil
3.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Pathigam in tamil
4.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Mangalam in sanskrit &tamil
5.Slokas in Praise of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan in sanskrit &tamil
6.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Anthathi in tamil
7.Guruparamapra of Srimath Munithraya Sampradaya in sanskrit &tamil
8.Sri Desika Divya Sahasranama Sthothram in sanskrit &tamil
9.Sri Komala Dandakam in sanskrit
10.Sri Aparyaptaamirta sopanam in praise Lord Sri Saarangapani and goddessSri KomalaValli Thaayaar,of Thiukkudanthai,as composed by Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan
in sanskrit &tamil
11.Sri Aparyaptaamirtha Mangalaasaasanam of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan in Tamil
12.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Aanhikam in sanskrit
13.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Shraddha Prayogaha in sanskrit
14.Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan's Nikshepa Chintamani in sanskrit
15.Thiruppallandu vyakyanam in tamil
The book with the contents above will be a very valuable possession in every Srivaishnavaite households.
This is available for alldevotees on a cost recovery publication basis at Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Chennai at a counter price of Rs. 100 only.Presently it is also available at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam,Anna Nagar ,Chennai.Soon this will be made available at other Ashramam branches also.
Those living in USA,it is suggested that they place their requirements through Sri Ramanuja Mission inc., www.ramanujamission.org so that the distribution within US can be coordinated better.Suggested price for overseas residents is US $ 10, to cover all expenses.
Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimath Thirukkudanthai Desikan,Sri Gopalarya Mahadesikan
By the benign grace of Srirangam Divya Dampathi and the Padukas of Poorvacharyas,the 301st Thirunakshatra Mahothsavam of Srimath Thirukkudanthai Sri Goplarya Mahadesikan willbe celebrated in Pooradam Thirunakshathram on Thursday ,the 2nd Nov. 2000 at the birthplace of the same Acharya, in the immediate presence of Prakirtham Srimath Andavan Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan Swamigal
The Parayanams of Vedas and Divya Prabandhams etc. will be from 29th.oct..2000 to 2nd Nov.2000
All the disciples,devotees and well wishers of our Ashramam are requested to participate in the celebrations and receive the blessings of Srimath Andavan
By order of H.H. Srimath Andavan
S.Narasimha Raghavachariar
Lord Krishna in His Bhagavad Gita says that He Takes births to protect the good people and
to annibilate the bad ones. According to our Acharyas, His prime aim is to protect the
Good People, because those people could never accept being separated from Him; Killing the
bad ones, according to Lord Krishna is only by-product. Deepavali is one of those
festivals in which goodness scores vicorty over the evil. His Holiness prays the
Poorvacharya Padukas and Lord Krishna to be with His bhakthas all the time and to save the
devotees from all problems and His Holiness wishes well to all shisyas and people
interested in Ashramam, Happy Deepavali, life and prosperity all the time.
By Order His Holiness Srimad Andavan
S. Narasimha Raghavachariar
3rd October 2000 Update
Additions to Photogallery - Photographs of Sri Ambujavalli Nayika Sametha Sri
Boovaraaha Perumal
Images of Srimath Andavan Ashramam Acharyan Paramparai.
30th September 2000 Update
His Holiness Srimath Andavan Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan, Popularly Known as Srimushnam
Andavan Swamigal,visited His birth place Srimushnam between 23rd sept. and 26th sept.His
Holiness was accorded a ceremonial reception with temple honours on the morning of 24th
sept. when Mangalasasanam of Sri Ambujavalli Nayika Sametha Sri Bhoovarahaswamy was
performed.Mahasamprokshanam of this temple was recently performed and His Holiness on
behalf of Ashramam undertook the cost of renovation of Swamy Desikan
Sannathi,Yaagasaaalai and Thirumadappalli. In the same temple at the time of Srimath
Thirukkudanthai Andavan a big well for fetching water for temple rituals was made up
with Ashramam funds.
During the course of His Vijaya Yathra His Holiness will now be visiting
Thiruvahindrapuram.Arriving there on the evening of 2nd Oct.the Mangalasasanam of Sri
Hemambujavalli naayika sametha Sri Devanatha Swamy will be performed on 3rd. Oct.
His Holiness will be camping till Purattasi Sravanam, Swamy Desikan's
Thirunakshathram,coming on 8th Oct. Sunday
From Thiruvaheendrapuram, His Holiness will be proceeding to Uthiramerur , where H.H. will
be camping from the evening of 10th oct. till 29th morning
From there H.H. proceeds to Royampettai to participate in 301 st Thirunakshathram of Sri
Thirukkudanthai Desikan,being organised by Srimath Andavan Ashramam.Royampettai is the
birth place of Sri Thirukkudanthai Desikan,who is Prathama Acharya of Munithraya
Sampradayam.In commemoration of this occasion,His holiness has inaugurated the renovation
work of the Sannathi recently.
29th sept.2000
Beginning of Navarathri (as per Asramam calender)
5th Oct.2000 Sri Goplarya Mahadesikan,Sri Thirukkdanathai Desikan, Thirunakshathram.
7th Oct.2000 Maha Navami, Saraswathi Poojai(as per Ashramam calender)
8th oct. 2000 Purttasi Thiruvonam, Sriman Nigamantha Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram
12th oct.2000 Srimath Aakkoor Andavan Thirunakshthram
20th Aug.2000 Update
Calendar for the month of Aavani
22 8 2000 Vaikansa SriJayanti
23 8 2000 Munithraya and Pancharathra SriJayanti
31 8 2000 Srimath Mysore Andavan Sri Srinivasa Ramanuja
Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram
7 9 2000 Srimath Kadanthethi Andavan Sri Srinivasa
Ramanuja Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram
14 9 2000 Beginning of Mahalya Paksham
Srimath Vazhuthoor Andavan Sri Vedantha Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Srimath Therazhundur Andavan Sri Vedantha RamanujaMahadesikan
16 9 2000 Srimath Thenbarai Andavan Sri Ranganatha Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram
12th AUGUST 2000
PHOTOGALLERY has been updated with the photographs taken on the occasion of the 12th
Chathurmasya Sankalpam by H.H. Srimath Andavan Swamigal at Vazhuthoor.
His Holiness will be camping here for two months. Those who would like to contribute for
Thadheeyaradhanam during these two months, or for other Sevas like Thirumanjanam, Building
Fund etc., may contact through e-mail to this address: r_sv@yahoo.com. Further details
will be furnished. It is generally believed that it is very auspicious and good for ones
family, if anyone performing Thatheeyaradhanam,in an Ashramam ,during the Chaturmasya
Sankalpam period
15TH JULY 2000
Sri Ramanuja Mission U.S.A. is organising the next Tele-Upanyasam of Srimath Andavan from
His Camp at Srirangam, on Sunday the 16th July 2000 at 10 A.M. EST (U.S.
Time). Sri R Rajagopal, Chairman of National Committee of Andavan Ashramam is
now in U.S.A. and will be participating in the discourse from there. Those interested to
participate may contact Sri Ramanuja Mission.
(Web site address: www.ramanujamission.org)
Srimath Andavan Ashramam at Vazhuthur
A new building has come up at Vazhuthur for our Ashramam. On 17th July in the immediate
presence of His Holiness Srimath Andavan Grihapravaesam function is being arranged. This
building has come up with the efforts of an Ashrama Nirmana Committee under the
Chairmanship of Sri V Ramabadhran and Convenors Sri R K Chari and Prof. V Madhavan.
His Holiness is commencing His 12th Chathurmasya Sankalpam at this place at the request of
the committee formed for this purpose under the Chairmanship of Sri V R Krishnaswamy and
its Secretary Sri S Narasimhan.
The Address of Ashramam at Vazhuthur:
Srimath Andavan Ashramam
Agraharam, East Vazhuthur
Vazhuthur - 614210 Tanjore District.
3rd July 2000
Srimath Andavan is at present on a tour presently camping in Bangalore.Further H.H.
proceeds to Kumbakonam on 9th July. Sri Andal Tiruppavai Mahotsava Sabha,under the
sectetariship of Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudhachariar, is organising the second Thamizh
Marai music festival in honour of Sriman Nathamunigal.Srimath Andavan will be inaugurating
the same on 10th July.This will be a 3 day festival, conducted on the same pattern at
Srivilliputhur in honour of Sri Andal.On all the 3days there will be discources on
Naachiyaar Thirumozhi by leading Upanyasakars and in the evenings carnatic music recitals
by leading artists.It will be a scintillating experiance to those fortunate to attend ,as
this festival is happening at Sri Aaarvamudan Sannathi and in the presence of Srimath
Andavan Swamigal.
From here H.H. will be paying a short visit to Srirangam and then proceeds to
Vazhuthoor,birth place Srimad Vazhuthoor Andavan Swamigal,to commence 12th Chaturmaasya
Sankalpam at that place.A new Ashramam complex has come at this place through the efforts
of several Ashramam devotees.
23rd June 2000
66th Thirunakshathram celebrations of Srimath Andavan swamigal was celebrated between
31/5/2000 and 4/6/2000 at Secunderabad. The Thirunakshathram day was 4/6/2000. From
31/5/2000 Veda Parayanams, Srimath Ramayanam and Paaduka Sahasram recitations were held.
Vidwaans from Chennai, Srirangam, Thrukudanthai, Thirupathi and Bangalore participated. In
the evenings music perfomances were held. Sri. T.V. Sankaranarayanan, Smt. Subashini
Parthasarathy, Hyderabad brothers, Dr. K. Vageesh and other vidwaans participated. On the
Thirunakshathram day honours from various temples were presented to His Holiness. Vaduvoor
Ganapati Sri. Desikachariar conducted the proceedings. Other vidwaans who participated in
the event are Sri. Kalayanapuram Aaravamudhachariar, Sri. Veerapuram Krishnamachariar,
Sri. Vaduvoor Veeraraghavachariar, Sri. Kunnathoor Aaravamudhachariar, Sri. Thaiyaar
Lakshmanachariar and Aaradhagar Sri. Rajagopalachariar.
Srimath Anadavan presented the musician Dr. K. Vageesh a title "Gayaka
Kalanidhi" along with a shawl and a purse.
The entire proceedings were coordinated by Sri. K. Saranyan, President of Hyderabad
ashramam committee. His Holiness was very much appreciative of the efforts taken by the
committee members for the celebrations.
Srimath Andavan is at present on a tour of various places:
24/6/2000 - 26/6/2000
Chennai ashramam
28/6/2000 - 10/7/2000
Jayanagar and Sripuram ashramams at Bangalore
14/7/2000 - 17/7/2000
Srirangam ashramam
From 18/7/2000
Vazutoor ashramam
Important dates in June and July 2000
Tele upanyasam of Srimath Andavan swamigal at 11am EST (US)
Periazwaar Thirunakshathram
Beginning of chaturmasya sankalpam of yethis. Chandra grahanam
His Holiness Srimath Andavan's 12th Chaturmasya sankalpam begins at Vazuthtoor - The
reasons for the shift in the day of sankalpam of Srimath Andavan is given in detail in the
Ashramam's official publication Sri Ranganatha Paduka.
Aaradhanam of Srimath Nammandavan, Sri Vendantha Ramanuja Mahadesikan
3rd June 2000
On the eve 66th Thirunakshathram ( Vaikasi Thiruvadhirai,4th June2000) of Srimath Andavan
Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam Andavan Swamigal),We wish to convey the
blessings of His Holiness to all the web site readers for their and their families' well
being.The main function is in Secunderabad Ashramam in the immediate presence of His
Holiness.This is being celebrated in all the Ashramam Complexes in India and also by Sri
Ramanuja Mission in USA.
28th May 2000
His Holiness Srimath Andavan has left Chennai on 25th May on way to Secunderbad,where 66th Thirunakshathram function is scheduled to take place on 4th June.
During this week Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust received the second instalment of $1741 from Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi, Denver, U.S.A.This was made by tax deductable contributions,donated by 11 devotees ,through SVSS.Srimath Andavan's Manthratchathai was sent to the contributors through SVSS with His blessings
Special message of His Holiness ,to all devotees through website, delivered on 15th May, at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam ,Anna Nagar, Chennai.
There are living beings with no sense. There are also living creatures with 1 to 6 senses.Some human beings,due to faulty sensory organs,have defective knowledge.If a man does not prepare himself worthy of completeness he is blessed with, the fault belongs to no one else but himself.He himself has to strive to rectify the mistakes.Such robots are yet to created with the efficiency of a man and the capacity to decision making.Even if they are created,their faults are to be corrected by others,for they can never possess the reformative qualities of their own deeds.A careful observation will reveal the fact that we faced with an unfortunate situation,that we don't have the very good qualities possessed by them.A robot is made to the point of perfection and it will never disobey the orders.But the man who is said to be a perfect creation,feels pride in disobeying.No one can bring him round,if he fails to rectify himself.The mind of a man alone is the cause for his raise or fall.The man professing to be superior to the robot ,,will be capable of doing good to himself and to the society at large,only when he develops the sence of discipline in himself.Hence let him look for a guide,an ACHARYA and take up the good path shown by the Acharya so chosen and do good to the humanity.Every individual should try to do this.
Let me place the prayerful request at the feet of Sriman Narayanana,to install such good qualities into the mind of every individual soul.
18th May 2000
His Holiness is at present camping In Anna Nagar and the discourse series on " Swamy Desikan's Dayaa Satakam will now conclude on 19 th may,at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam.From this location on 14th may, teli Upanyasam of His Holiness on Thiruppavai was organised,with a good communication facility, to make sure that the reception will be good to the participants.The feedback from US was encouraging.
During the stay in Anna Nagar, His Holiness as well as SriKaryam Swamy clarified that the english spelling of Ashramam is tobe written as
Srimath Andavan or as Srimadandavan
First is when we write the two words separately and the second spelling is when we together. Taking this clarification, the web site also is getting corrected every where.( the title logo ccorrection is still to be made.) All devotees are requested to take notice of this change
13th May 2000
His Holiness Srimad Andavan is arriving at "Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam",Anna Nagar, Chennai today evening.H.H. will be delivering a discourse series on Swamy Desikan's "Daya Satakam",for 6daysevery evening upto 18th May.Sri Perumal and Padduka Aaraadhanams at this place will take place on 14th &15th may and at nearby places on 16th to 18th may.
The next Teli Upanyasam of Srimad Andavan will take place on this Sunday,14th May at 11AM EST (US time)H,H, will deliver this from His camp site in "Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam" Efforts are being taken to provide a clearer reception to the listners.As before those interested may please contact Shyam.sreenivasan@msdw.com,of Sri Ramanuja Mission who are organising this.
66th Thirunakshathram of Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan is being celebrated on a grand scale at H.H. camp at Secunderabad Ashramam on 4th June.This also will be celebrated at other Ashramam locations also Separate Invitations have been E mailed to all those regitered their e mail addresses
Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam Andavan)
By the benign grace of Srirangam Divya Dampathi and the Padukas of Poorvacharyas, the 66th Thirunakshatra Mahothsavam of Srirangam Srimath Andavan Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan (Srimushnam) will be celebrated in Thiruvathirai on Sunday the 4th June 2000 at Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Sri Mahalakshmi Sannidhi, 121, West Maredpally, Secunderabad-500 026 and our Ashramams elsewhere.
The Parayanams of Vedas will be from 31.5.2000 to 4.6.2000.
All the disciples, devotees and well-wishers of our Ashramam are requested to participate in the celebrations and receive the blessings of Srimath Andavan.
By order of H.H. Srimath Andavan
2-4-2000 Srikaryam
Note:- 1) M.O.'s Cheques, & drafts may kindly be sent to Srikaryam
'Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam.
Camp: Sri Mahalakshmi Sannidhi, 121,West Maredpally,
2) The cheques and drafts drawn in favour of "Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam"
duly crossed.
26th April 2000
The next teli upanyasam by Srimad Andavan Swamigal on Thiruppavai will be held at 11 a.m. EST( U.S. time) on 30th April.Those interested to get connected may please contact Sri Ramnuja Mission,e mail, Shyam.sreenivasan@msdw.com
22nd April 2000
Srimad Andavan made a short visi to Thiruchanur,Tirupathi and Thirumala between 17th and 20 th of April. H.H.was received with full traditional temple honours at these places.Mangalasaasanam of Sri Alarmelmangai Thaayar Sannathi, Sri Govindaraja Perumal Sannathi and Sri Thiruvengadamudayan Srinivasa perumal sannathi were performed by His Holiness.After this H.H. has since returned to Chennai Ashramam.
Srikaryam Swamy Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar completed Srimad Ramayana Upanyasam (Navaham,9 days discourse) at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam ,Anna Nagar, Chennai, on Tamil New Year's day with Sri Rama Pattabishekam.The entire event was well attended on all the days and in the end Srikaryam Swamy was honoured in a fitting manner,as always been done at this place with the blessings of Srimd Andavan.
Important dates in this Chiththirai month
6th May Akshaya Thritheeyai , considered as very auspicious day to start any good work or project
8th may Chiththirai Thiruvathirai Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi and also Sri Saatchath Swamy Sri Vedanta Ramanuja Maha Desikan Thirunakshathram
17th May Sri Narasimha Jayanthi
18th May Sri Nammazhwar Thirunakshathram, as per Srimad Andavan Ashramam information
12th April 2000
Tamil New Year ,Vikrama, Greetings and blessings from His Holiness Srimad Andavan Swamigal to all devotees living around the world.
Today is Sri Rama Navami and also Panguni Pushyam which is Thirukkudanthai Andavan's Thirunakshathram.Srimad Andavan Ashramam celebrated both these functions on a grand scale at the Ashramam complex at Mylapore ,Chennai, in the immediate presence and guidance of H.H. Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan.Thousands of devotees from Chennai and its surroundig areas as wellas from places like Bangalore and Hyderabad attended with great enthusiasm.Perumal Aaraadhana theertham and Sri Thirukkudanthai Andavan Sripaada theertham were given by Srimad Andavan to all devotees and other Sreepaada theerthams were given by other Ashramam aaraadhakars.
4 days of vidwat sadas concluded yesterday in which nearly 100 vidwans participated .His Holiness was ably assisted by Srikaryam Swamy Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar.All vidwans were suitably honoured by His Holiness.
This morning Thirunakshathra Saathumurai was performed with a Ghoshti of more than 100.It was really pleasing to see such a large gathering on a working day which shows the greatness of our Acharya.Temple honours were presented to His Holiness, followed by anugraha Bhashanam of a few eminent vidwans as well as by His Holiness.For the Thatheeyaradanam which followed nearly 1200 persons wre fed.The function concluded successfully ,thanks to devoted members Sri Paduka Charitees and the able leadership of All India Council Chairman Sri Eyetex Rajagopal.
8thApril 2000
The next teli upanyasam of His Holiness Srirangam Srimad Andavan Swamigal is scheduled for 9 th April 2000 at 11 a.m. EST.This is being arranged by Sri Ramanuja Mission in U.S.A. Those interested, please contact them.
5th April 2000
Sri Raama Navami Festival is being celebrated at Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam,Anna Nagar (Chennai) Centre of Srimad Andavan Ashramam,from today.During this occasion His Holiness has nominated Srikaryam Swamy,Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar to deliver a 9 day discourse(Navaaham),of Sri Vaalmiki's Srimad Raamaayanam.Today was the first day and over 100 devotees in and around Anna Nagar enthusiastically participated.Srikaryam Swamy is considered as a great scholar and a revered exponent of Srimad Raamaayanam, having delivered over 400 discourses so far.Starting on Ugaadi day today,it concludes on Tamil New Year's day on 13th April with Sri Raama Pattabishekam
As already informed ,Thirukkudanthai Andavan's Thirunakshathram ,this year coincides with Sri Raama Navami,which comes on 12th April 2000. On 1st April Sri AAkkoor Andavan' kainkryam and Aaraadhanam,was performed at Chennai Ashramam.Following this comes Thirkkudanthai Andavan's kainkaryam and Aaraadhanam,which comes on 9th April and this will also be held in Chennai Ashramam
Srimad Andavan ,presently camping in Madras,will be making a short visits to Neyveli and Srirangam between27 th and 30 th of this month.At Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College Campus in Srirangam H.H. will be preside over the installation of Sri LakshmiHayagreevar Swamy Idol,during this brief visit.H.H. willbe back in Madras on 30th march.Yesterday,on 25 th march, H.H. presided over the Divya Prabandam day function at Sri Ahobila Mutt Oriental School in West Mambalm ,Chennai.
All readers of this website ,please note that Thirunakshatram of famous Thirukkudanthai Andavan Swamigal is to be celebrated on a grand scale at the Chennai Ashramam,in the immediate presence of Prakirtham Andavan Swamigal.Sri Paduka Charities, who is administering the whole function has made elaborate arrangements for accomodating hundreds of Vedic Pundits from all parts of India for the 4 day Vidwat Sadas,Veda Parayanam,Divya Prabanda Parayanam,Daily Thatheeyaraadanam.All scholars and vedic Pandits will be suitably honoured at this function.Success of this event is possible only with the support from evryone in every corner of the worldYour contribution,small or big,will add strength to the occasion This appeal is issued by Srikaryam Swamy Of Andavan Ashramam.Your payments may be sent to SriKaryam,Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam,21, Desikachari Road,Mylapore ,Chennai-600004, India.
Srimad Andavan is at present on a tour of 'Chola Nadu' Divya Desams and presently participating in the temple uthsavam of Nachiarkoil, near Kumbakonam.Today is the famous celebration of 'Kal Garudan' there. after this H.H. is returning to Chennai and will be camping till the birthday,'Thirunakshathram' celebrations of the famous Thirukkdanthai Andavan Swamigal.This comes on Sri Raama Navami Day,12th March.This is being celebrated at the Mylapore Ashramam premises which is now fully renovated,through the efforts of Sri Paduka Charities,at a cost rs. 15 lakhs.On this occasion there will be Sri Paduka Vihara Vidwat Sadas ,as also the recitations of Vedas and Divya prabhandams 3days prior to the function.As usual there will be 'Dhadheeyaaraadhanai' evryday and all the participating 'Ubhayavedanta vidwans' will be richly honoured by His Holiness,on behalf of Ashramam. This is an occasion devotees all over the world can participate through their contribtions,which will sopport this great event held once every year event.Ashramam is likely to spend Rs. 5 lakhs for this purpose.Printed invitations for this occasion are already mailed to those who are already in the mailng list of Ashramam.Any amount, however small is o.k., but please participate.
Those residing U.S.A.please be informed that the next Teli Upanyasam of his Holiness is scheduled for Sunday ,19th March and for other details please contact Sri Ramanuja Mission there.
12th March 2000
Srimadh Andavan's visit to Melkottai,Thalaikavery,Thondanur Lake and Uduppi are covered in
the Photo Gallery appearing elsewhere on this web page.
Srimadh Andavan after Tiruppavai discourse in Coimbatore proceeded to Kerala for
Mangalasasanams at the Malainaattu Divyadesams.On completion ,he proceeded straight to
Chennai,To Inaugurate the remodelled Andavan Ashramam complex at Mylapore .The complex now
wears a new look with better amneities for Daily AAraadhanams and for devotees visiting
the Ashramam.big portraits of all Poorvacharyas adorn the spacious Hall.
On completion of this ,H.H. proceeded to Srirangam,Dindigal and Srivilliputhur.At
Srivilliputhur,a week after the Maha Samprokshnam, H.H. inaugurated the 9th Thiruppavai
Uthsavam,a 4 day long function,at the birth place of Sr Andal, in whch nearly 30
Upanyasakars gave discourses on Thiruppavai.Several devotees from all the states in the
south attended with great enthusiasm ,particularly the function is being done immediately
after Maha Samprokshanam,in the immediate presence of Srimadh Andavan Swamigal and at the
birth place of Sri Andal.Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar and his family members
deserves all the encouragement for conducting this festival every year with lot of efforts
.Annual Membership of this Sabha is only Rs. !00 and life Rs. 1000.The interest from these
investments is used for honouring the vidwans,and for taking care of the visiting devotees
with food and shelter.
24th Jan 2000
Srimad Andavan is on a short visit to Madras, to inaugurate the remodelled Andavan Ashramam complex at Mylapore.H.H. will be leaving for Uthiramerur will be camping ther till 5th feb.2000.From ther the programme will cover Neyveli, Srirangam and then on to Srivilliputhur.Here H.H. will be camping from 16th to 20th feb.to participate in the 9th Sri Andal uthsavam being oragnised by Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar,detals of whch appear elsewhere on this web page.
8th January 2000
Teli Upanyasam of Srimad Andavan for Jan. is scheduled at 10 A.M.,ET,U.S. time, on 9th Jan. as per the information received from Ashramam in India and Sri Ramnuja Mission ,U.S. Those interested may contact shyam.sreenivasan@msdw.com for getting connection and other details.
1st January 2000
On behalf of Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam,we wish the sishyas around the world ,a very happy new millanium year, year 2000, also for the forthcoming Makara Sankramanam,Pongal festival, which falls on saturday,15th January,2000.
Other important dates in this month are,
Thondaradipodi Azhwar Thirunakshathram on 4th jan.
"Koodarai Vellum"('chakkarai pongal day') on 11th jan.
Thiruppavai Saathumurai on 14th jan.
Thirumazhisai Azhwar Thirunakshathram on 23rd jan.
Koorathzhwar Thirunakshathram on26th jan.
26th Dec. 1999
Srimad Andavan is presently camping in Sri Jagannatha Perumal Temple ,Paappanaikanpalayam,Coimbatore and Dhanur month aaraadhanam is held there.At the nearby Sri Ramakrishna Kalyana Mandapam,His Holiness is delivering, Sri Rahsyathryasaara Kaalakshepam in the mornings and Thiruppavai discourse in the evenings.
In the beginning of the tamil month of, on completion of Coimatore visit, H.H. is planning to visit a few Divya Desams in Kerala and likely for a short visit to Chennai around 23rd,24th,Jan.,to dedicate the remodelled Andavan Ashramam Complex at the present location at Mylapore.This will be followed by visits toUthiramerur,Neyveli,Srirangam and on to SRIVILLIPPUTHUR.At this place Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudhachariar is organising under the auspicious of Sri AandalThiruppaavai Mahothsava Sabha,9th Thiruppaavai Mahothsavam between 16th feb. and 20th feb,2000.His Holiness will inaugurate the festival on 16th feb and will be camping till 20th feb.Maasi Pushyam is Periandavan,Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan's Thirunakshathram and His Holiness will be performing this function at Srivilliputhur.It may please be noted that the Sabha is organising this for the second time in the immediate presence of Srimad Andavan and all arrangements for the stay of visiting devottees is taken care by them.Every day discourses on Sri Andaal's Thiruppaavai Paasurams are done by various eminent vidwans,at the birth place of Sri Andal.In the evenings karnatic music recitals by eminent vidwans are also arranged, so that the visitig devottes are fully engaged throughout the day,by visiting temples of Sri Andal and Sri Rangamannar,Sri Vadabadrasaayee,then attending discourses and then musical performances in the evenings.Devotees are requested to make use of this rare opportunity in visiting Srivilliputhur at this time.For more information please e-mail r_sv@yahoo.com Contact Address of Sri Andal Thiruppavai Mahothsava Sabha is , 189,TPS Nagar, Thanjavur -Pin 613007-
India. Phone No. 36210. Contact person is the renowned Harikatha Vidwan and also the Aasthaana Vidwan of Srimadh Andavan Ashramam Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudhachariar Swamy.Any devotee can become a life member of the Sabha on payment of Rs.1000 and a Patron member with Rs. 5000.The interest accrued from this is used for conducting the festival.
All devotees are requested to attend and get the blessings of Sri Choodikkodutha Naachiaar and Srimad Andavan.This will also give an opportunity to visit the temple immediately one week after the Maha Samprokshanam of the Temple.
14th Dec 1999
There was a long gap in updating the monthly report,due to a problem in the uploading facility from Chennai.Even the news on the teli upanyasam held on 12th dec. by Srimad Andavan could not be announced( However this message already was availble through Bhakti Group news)..However the problem is sorted out.Please await for a detailed update in the next few days.
For your information Srimad Andavan today reached Coimbatore from Srirangam. Dhanur month Aaraadhanam and Thiruppavai discourse by His Holiness will be at that place as already announced in this page.
Srimad Andavan Ashramam has arranged Thiruppavai discourses at the following places during this Dhanur month
Chennai-----------Anna Nagar,Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam----Sri Naatteri Rajagopalachariar
Bangalore---------Jayanagar,Sri Andal Sri Rangamannar Temple---Srikaryam Swami, Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar
Hyderabad-------Sri Mahalakshmi Temple(Andavan Ashramam) --Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudachariar
In addition to the above the following vidwans of our Ashramam are giving Tiruppavai discourses at the locations as mentioned below
Srimad Rangam Swamy at two other locations in Coimbatore itself, besides His Holiness.
Sri Vaduvur Veeraraghavachariar at Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivar Sannathi at Nanganallur near Chennai
This event is also planned in Dombivili (Mumbai), and New Delhi Andavan Ashramam also.
November 1999
29th Nov. 1999. Srimadh Chinnandavan,Sri Padka Sevaka Ramanuja Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram
1st Dec. to 4th dec. 1999 Bangalore Sripuram. His Holiness attends to Pavithrothsam at Jayanagar Ashramam Sri Andal Sri Rangamannar temple. Night halt at TVS Nagar in Hosur on 4th dec.
5th Dec. Aaraadhanams. at Hosur. Departure for Salem.for night halt.
6th to 8th dec. Aaraadhanams at Salem. 8th night halt at Srirangam.
9th to 14th dec.Aaraadhanams at Srirangam Periashramam 14th dec. night halt at Coimbatore.
Dhanur Month Aaraadhanams and Thiruppavai Discourse by His Holiness at Jagnnatha Perumal temple at Pappanaikkan palayam
19th Dec.99. Sarva Ekadasi.Vaikunta Ekadasi
September/October, 1999 and Srimad Andavan's Tour Programme upto 15th January 2000
25th Sept. |
Aakkoor Andavan,Srimadh Srinivasa Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram |
26th Sept. |
Beginning of Maalaya Paksham, Uththana Mahotsavam of Srimadh Andavan |
28th Sept |
Maha Bharani |
2nd Oct. |
Madhyashtami |
5th Oct. |
Ekadasi |
9th Oct. |
Mahalaya Amavasyai |
10th Oct. |
Navarathri Uthsavam begins |
17th Oct. |
Thirukkdanthai Desikan Srimad Gopalarya Mahadesikan Thirunakshthram |
18th.Oct. |
Maha Navami, Saraswati Poojai |
19th Oct. |
Vijaya Dasami |
23rd Oct. |
Thiruththuraipoondi Andavan Srimad Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikan Thirunakshathram |
19th and 20th as stated in some Panchankams
Srimad Andavan's Tour Programme
Vijaya Yatra
6th Oct. |
departs Chennai for Poondi (arr.6 P.M.)Ph.04172-22804 |
17th Nov. |
arr. Uduppi ,Sri Krishna Temple |
8th Oct. |
dep.Poondi, arr. Chittoor(6P.M.) Ph.08572-29969/26157 |
18th Nov. |
arr. Hassan Ph. 08172-67707 |
9thOct. |
dep. Chittoor, arr. Bangalore Sripuram Ashramam.Ph.080-331 6812 |
22nd.Nov. |
arr. Shantigramaman |
24thOct. |
dep.Sripuram arr.Jayanagar(Bangalore)Asramam Ph. 080-664 1953 |
28th Nov. |
arr.Ambhuhua |
10th Nov. |
arr. Melkottai at 6 P.M. from Mandya. Ph.O8236-58711 |
1st Dec. |
arr. Bangalore,Sripuram Ashramam Ph. 080-331 6812 |
11th Nov |
arr. Mysore Sri Parakalamadam Ph.22804 |
11th Dec. |
dep.Bangalore arr.Hosur.T.V.S.Nagar.Ph.04344-24252 |
12th Nov. |
arr. Ontinapal Perumal Koil ph.0821-512969 |
12th Dec. |
dep. Hosur, arr. Salem. |
16th Nov. |
arr.Thalaikkaveri at 5 P.M. |
14th Dec. |
dep.Salem , Arr.Coimbatore Ph.0422-215632 |
Thiruppavai Discourse
His Holiness Srimad Andavan Swamigal Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan will camping in at Coimbatore(Perianayakanpalayam) Sri Kesava Perumal Koil and will Perform Dhanur Month Aradhanam and deliver Thiruppavai Upanyasam at that place for the entire month
25th aug. |
Rig Upakarma |
26th aug |
Yajur Upakarma |
27th aug |
Gayathri Japam |
28th aug |
THIRUNAKSHATHRAMS of Srimad Vazhuthoor Andavan and Srimad Therazhundhur Andavan |
30th aug |
THIRUNAKSHATHRAM OF Srimad Thenpirai Andavan |
2nd sept. |
Munithraya & Vaikanasa Sri Jayanthi |
3rd sept. |
Pancharathra Sri Jayanthi |
11th sept. |
THIRUNAKSHTHRAM of Srimad Mysore Andavan |
12th sept. |
Saama Upakarma |
21st sept. |
THIRUNAKSHATHRAM of Sriman Nigamantha Mahadesikan |
22nd sept |
Munithraya Sravana Dwadasi |
25th sept. |
THIRUNAKSHATHRAM of Srimad Aakkoor Andavan Swamigal |
26th sept. |
Beginning of Maalaya Paksham. Chaturmasya Sankalpa Uththana Mahothsvam of Yathees |
His Holiness Srimad Andavan Swamigal is now observing chaturmasya sankalpa vratham at Mylapore Asramam at Chennai. Thirunakshathram functions of the Acharyas as referred above will be celebrated in His immediate presence there, in addition to functions at other Ashrmam locations all over India.Contributions from devotees from arond the world are welcome at the Ashramam premises by cheques addressed to `Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam,',21 ,Desikachari road, Mylapore ,Chennai 600004,India.All these contribusions will be used for honouring the Ubhaya Vedantha vidwans,Perumal and Acharya Paduka aaraadhanams and dhadheeyaradhanams on all those days. This appeal is issued by Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar Swamy, Srikaryam.
During this period His Holiness is delivering Srimad Rahasyathraya Saaram Kaalakshepam in the mornings and Srimad Bhagavat Vishayam Kaalakshepam in the evenings.Several devotees are attending these everyday and get the blessings of our Acharya .
Book Release
On 28thJuly,99 coinsiding with the Sankalpam, a new book on Sri Vedantha Desikan's SRI NYAYA SIDHDHANJANAM with Tamil commentary was released by His Holiness.This book is brought out by Sri U.Ve. Veerapuram Venkata Dheekshidar. More details on this are available in Sri Ranganatha Paduka Magazine (august issue).
Ashramam Honours
On the day of 11th Chaturmasya Sankalpam, His Holiness honoured the following eminent persons ,in recognition of their long years of selfless service to the Ashramam
They are 1. Vilakkudi Thatha Sri Rangachariar Swamy,
2.Sri T.M.Raghunathachariar,
3.Srimathi Janakavalli Ammal and
4.Halls road Sri R.Srinivasachariar
On the same occasion,His Holiness conferred the title of " Gaayaka Kalaanidhi" title to the Sangeetha Vidwan Chengalpattu Sri Ranganathan,in appreciation of his services to karnatic music
July 28
Sri Alavandar's birth anniversary
Beginning of 11th Chaturmasya Sankalpam of His Holiness Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan, Srimad Andavan Swamigal.
This was celebrated on a large scale on the ashramam premises at No. 21, Desikachari Road, Mylapore, Chennai. Sri Paduka Charities made elaborate arrangements to accomodate hundreds of devotees coming from all parts of India including representatives of Sri Ramanuja Mission, USA. Srikaryam Sri Narasimha Raghavachariar swamy and Sri N.S. Ramanuja Thathachariar swamy conducted the proceedings. To markthe occasion, temple honors from the various divya desams were presented to His Holiness. On this occasion His Holiness awarded honors to four eminent devotees of our ashramam in recognition of their past services.
On this occasion, the release of a set of audio cassettes and CDs on Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam's Sundara Kaandam was arranged. The text of this in Sanskrit was recited by His Holiness Srimad Andavan. This is recorded in a set of 11 audio cassettes or a set of 9 CDs. This is available for sale in India and abroad. The proceedings from the sale will go to "Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust", which maintains the Sanskrit College and the Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College at Srirangam. Here is more information about how to obtain these cassettes or CDs.
His Holiness Srimad Andavan Swamigal will be camping in Mylapore, Chennai Ashramam until the end of Chaturmasya Sankalpam. The completion ceremony, Uthaanam, will take place on 26th September, 1999.
His Holiness Srimad Andavan Swamigal has nominated Sri U. Ve. S. Narasimha Raghavachariar Swamy as Srikaryam of Andavan Ashramam and the announcement was made on 18th May 1999 at Mylapore Ashramam.
Date: 25.05.99
Sri Nammalvar is universally accepted as the first of twelve Alwars, the oldest of them all and the doyen of Bhakti Cult in India. Celebrations are arranged at various centers in India to mark the completion of century. His Holiness and the disciples of the Ashramam are desirous of building a monument (a building) at Alwar Thirunagari, the birthplace of the great saint befitting the occasion. The estimated cost of the above comes to Rs. 10,00,000 (Ten lakhs). It is proposed to raise the required funds for the above project through the donations offered by the devotees, disciples and well wishers working abroad who are the ambassadors of our culture. Friends living abroad are requested to contribute liberally towards this noble cause to see the project completed early and get the blessings of Sri Satakopa (Sri Nammalvar) and our Acharyas.
S. Narasimha Raghavachariar
Note: Residents of USA are requested to contact Sri Ramanuja Mission Inc.,which is affliated to Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam and may route their donations through that Institution.The donations routed through Sri Ramanuja Mission Inc. are eligible for tax deduction facility in U.S.A.
Addresses, e-mail ,phone nos and contact persons names are given in the addresses page.
Social Religious |
His Holiness Srimad Andavan Sri Rangaramanuja Maha Desika undertakes extensive tours all over India to meet devotees, disciples and well-wishers of the Ashramam and bless them. |
Religious |
Teaching religious books every day, giving lectures on important topics, arranging debates and seminars with the help of scholars are some the regular features of the Ashramam. |
Publishing books and magazines |
Books written by great scholars are published by the ashramam. Republishing of the rare and very important books are also done. Time and again, the core monthly magazine by the name "Sri Ranganatha Paduka" is published in Tamil and English. |
Temples |
Big temples at New Delhi, Bombay and Bangalore have been built and are being maintained by the Ashramam. |
Education |
The following educational institutions have been established and are being maintained by the Ashramam:at Srirangam a) Core Divya Prabhanda Patasala b) Core Veda Patasala c) Core Sanskrit College recognized by Bharathidasan University d) Core Arts and Science College affiliated to Bharathidasan University The first two institutions are run exclusively from the funds of the ashramam where the education, residence and food is provided to the students free of cost. |
The expenses connected with the above activities are met using the funds available from the generous offerings made by the disciples, devotees and well-wishers of the Ashramam spread all over the world.
His Holiness Srimad Andavan has recited the following slokas in a clear and enchanting way. These are recorded for the benefit of devotees living all over the world. Several copies have already been sold all over the world.
Sri Ramanuja Gadyathrayam and Swami Desikan's "Sri Paduka Sahasram" Along with media one book on Sri Paduka Sahasram in Sanskrit text will be supplied (Tamil book will be subject to availability) |
Set of audio tapes (5 Nos. 60 min) US$ 25 plus shipping/handling Set of CDs (4 Nos 75 min) US $50 plus shipping/handling
Swami Desika's Sthothrams A book of Desika Sthothramala either in Tamil or Sanskrit will be supplied, as published by LIFCO. |
Set of audio tapes (6 Nos. 60 min) US$ 30 plus shipping/handling Set of CDs (6 Nos. 60 min) US$ 60 plus shipping/handling |
Sundara Kandam of Srimad Ramayanam by Sri Valmiki His Holiness has taken a great interest in rendering these slokas. The possession of these in every house will be very valuable. A book on Sundara Kandam will also be supplied. |
Set of audio tapes (11 Nos. 60 min) US$ 55 plus shipping/handling Set of CDs (9 Nos. 75 min) US$ 100 plus shipping/handling
The above prices are given for overseas residents only.Those living in India may please contact the Andavan Ashramam locations for payment in Indian rupees.
Residents of U.S.A. may contact Sri Ramanuja Mission Inc.,to obtain these cassettes and CDs
His Holiness is presently camping in Dombivli Ashramam near Mumbai. At this place, under the initiative of His Holiness Thirukkudanthai Andavan, the Sri Balaji Temple was constructed. Daily pujas are conducted on the same pattern at Tirupathi. This temple is being renovated at present alongwith the Ashramam premises at a huge cost of about Rs. 2 crores. More details on this will be made available on this web page separately. Presently, Srimad Andavan personally supervises the renovation and construction work. Donations for this purpose are invited by the ashramam and devotees are requested to contribute generously for the cause. Donations made would receive income tax exemption under 80(G).
Srimad Andavan stays here until 22nd January 1999.
23rd January - Sholapur
24th to 28th January - Hyderabad
29th to 30th January - Ahobilam
31st January - Thiruchanur, Thirupathi
1st to 2nd February - Thirumalai Ashramam
3rd to 6th February - Neyveli Ashramam
7th February - Vilakkudi Temple Samprokshanam
7th to 10th February - Uppiliappan Koil
11th to 13th February - Srirangam
From the 13th of February he will be camping in Madras for 4 months. Vaikasi Thiruvadhirai Thirunakshathram of Prakirtham Andavan will be celebrated in Madras. Following that, a tour of Karnataka state will take place.
The next Chathurmasya Sankalpam will be celebrated in New Delhi Ashramam followed by visits to Badrikashramam.
Nov 1, '98 Thirunakshathram of Srimadh Thiruthuraipoondi Andavan Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikan -- Aippasi, Poorattathi
-- Dwadasi, Mahapradosham
Nov 14, '98 EkadasiNov 15, '98 Dwadasi
Nov 16, '98 MahapradoshamNov 18, '98 Amavasai Srimad Andavan's Tour Programme
Oct 17, '98 -- Nov 1, '98 Camping at Dombivili (Mumbai) Ashramam
Nov 1, '98 -- Nov 8, '98 Visits to Nasik, Panchavati, Indore, Gwalior, Agra, Mathura and Brindavan
Nov 8, '98 --Nov 30, '98 Camping at NewDelhi Ashramam Silver Jubilee
celebrations of Sri Ranganatha Paduka Ashramam at
Delhi being celebrated from 25th Nov. to 29th Nov. Celebrations are to be held on
elaborate scale. Over 50 vedic scholars from south are participating. Srimad Andavan
presides over the functions in which Prime minister, Mr. Vajpayee, home minister Mr.
Advani and former president of India Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma are expected to participate.
Dec 1, '98 --Dec 13, '98 Srimad Andavan leaves Delhi for Mumbai. Enroute His Holiness visits Jaipur, Pushkar, PanchaDwarakai, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat and arrives Dombivili Ashramam at 6 :30 P.M. on 13th Dec.
Dec 13, '98 -- Jan 22, '99 Camp at Dombivili Ashramam. His Holiness delivers discourse
on Thiruppavai during the month of Margazhi.
Jan 22, '99 Departure from Mumbai for Chennai. Enroute His Holiness visits Pune,
Sholapur, Mantralaya, Cuddappa, Ahobilam and Thirupathi.
Feb 03, '99 : 6:30 P.M Arrives Alwarpet Ashramam in Chennai. His Holiness will be camping here for two months and during this period, he will be delivering Bhagavad VishayamKalakshepam.
Newsletter for September/October 1998
24th Aug Avani
Uthiram Thiru Nakshathram of Srimad Mysore Andavan
1st Sept
Avani Moolam Thirunakshathram of Srimad Kadantheththi Andavan
2nd Sept Ekadasi
3rd Sept Dwadasi
7th Sept
Chathurmasya Sankalpa Uththana Mahotsavan of Srimad Andavan. This will be celebrated at
Perumal Samithi a Perungulathur near Madras.
Thirunakshathram of Srimad Nigamantha Mahadesikan
Srimad Andavan is camping at Thiruvaheenthipuram
2nd Oct Ekadasi
Srimad Andavan arrives Bangalore
3rd Oct
18th Oct Aippasi Begins
19th Oct Deepavali
20th Oct Ammavasai
29th Oct Thiruvonam
Poigai Azhwar Thirunakshathram
30th Oct Avittam,
Sathayam Boothathazhwar and Peiyazhwar Thirunakshathrams
Srimad Andavan's Tour
Srimad Andavan is on a tour of various divya desams starting from Bangalore, proceeding to Bombay, and then onto Delhi. His Holiness will be camping at Dombivli Ashramam in Bombay during the month of Margazhi. His Holiness will reach Madras towards the end of January '99. During the tour of north India, he will visit Nasik, Panchavati, Pancha Dwaraka, Pushkar etc.
SRIMAD ANDAVAN is presently camping in Jayanagar Andavan Ashramam, Bangalore. He is also making short visit to Mysore and Melcote. Thirunakshathram of Srimad Andavan falls on "VAIKASI" "THIRUVADHIRAI". For this, the celebrations will be held in Bangalore Jayanagar Ashramam from 24th May till 28th May '98.
Several Vedic Pundits will be honoured on that. Devotees from all over the world are welcome to take part in the function, either personally or also through their monetary contributions addressed to
BANGALORE - 560 004
PHONE: (080) 6641953
After this function, His Holiness participates in "NAMMALWAR UTSAVAM" at ALWARTHIRUNAGARI
His Holiness will be camping in Madras Ashramam, between 9th
July 98 and 6th Sept 98 for His 10th CHATURMASYA SANKALPAM.
Newsletter for March 1998
1. Srimadh Andavan is presently camping in Madras and will be leaving for Bangalore on 14th March 1998 Several devotees are visiting everyday and get the blessings from His Holiness.
2. New Project: Srimadh Andavanwishes to install the idol of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva in the Ashramam. The idol is being made of gold weighing about 75 kgs. Several devotees voluntarily contributed gold spontaneously and has just been received in Madras. Most probably the formal installation will take place in the next few days in Madras ashramam. This function is likely to be held shortly, before his departure for Bangalore.
9TH MARCH 1998, is a very important day for our Ashramam, That day is "Maasi Pushyam" - Srimadh Peria Andavanbeing celebrated in a grand manner at Madras Ashramam. Sri PadukaCharities is organising free "upanayanam" function for the benefit of poorerBrahmin boys. This is being held every year and around 35 boys areprovided this facility. All the expenses for this function are met by Sri Paduka Charities, Madras.
Other events of interest during this month of "Maasi"
10th March 98 "Dwadasi"
11th March 98 "MaasiMagam"
14th March 98 "KaaradayanNonbu" 6-15 P.M. to 7-00 PM
From 14th March '98 Srimadh Andavan camps in Banglaore.
The following is his programme inBangalore. 29th March Samprokshanam of Sri Adhi Varahan Sannadhi at SripuramAshramam complex.
5th April:- 'Panguni Pushyam', 'Thirukkudanthai Andavan Thirunakshathram' To coincide with this, there will bevidwath sadhas. Sri Rama Navami coincides on this day.
Devotees residing outside India are requested to participate in the various activities of Srimadh Andavan Ashramam,when they visit India. Srimadh Andavan has recently gave his blessings for starting "Srimadh Andavan Ashramam" branch in U.S.A. There areseveral avenues through which devotees overseas can participate through theirfinancial contributions.
A few of them are listed here:
1. Subscribe to Ashramam Magazine, either annual or life.
2. Contribution to "Nithya Aradhana"scheme, on the birth days of family
members, every year
3. Contributions to Vidhwat Sadas,performed at least twice a year on the birth dates
of Srimushnam (prakirtham)Andavan and Thirukkudanthai Andavan honouring Ubaya Vedantha
Vidwans will bedone on these dates every year.
4. Contributions to "Thiru Nakshathram" dates of our Ashramam
Acharyas. Expenses on pujas, feast etc., all will be met by these funds
5. Contributions to free ayurvedicdispensary run mainly for poor people b the
6. Contributions to construction ofAshramam complexes in different parts of
7. Contributions to sanskrit and vedic patasalai run by Ashramam at Srirangam
8. Contributions to new constructionactivities of "Srimadh Andavan Arts and
Science College" at Srirangam. These are required for the new buildings,
purchase of various laboratoryequipments, library books, computers, furnitures etc., for
the college. Thecollege offerrs job oriented graduate courses. Admissions are
based onmerit. As per His Holiness's directions, students (both boys and girls)
areadmitted without any capitation fee
9. Contributions to Srimadh AndavanTrust, which organises free distribution of
"Thirumangalyam" to the poor andneedy Srivaishnavite parents, whose daughters
are getting married.
All the above activities, are made possibleonly through the
available Ashramam funds and also from the regularcontributions from all the Sishyas
around the world.
Those who are reading this message arerequested to convey through this e-mail address (bitd@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in) their interest. We on behalf of Ashramam, will be glad to give you more information. Your support will go a long way in improving theservices. Your suggestions are welcome and will be forwarded to Ashramam.
Very soon a web site of Andavan Ashramam will be established. Anyone interested in supporting this website may send a message to Ashramam, through this e-mail address.
Very important is the reader's reply to thisnews update, which
will enthuse to keep the same more up-to-date.
27-09-97 PUNE
) Participates in the Silver Jubilee
Celebrations of
05-12-97 ) BACK TO
TO )
19-01-98 )
The celebration of 63rd Thirunakshathram of His Holiness Srimad Andavan Started from 3rd June with 500 Vidhwans participating in chanting Divya Prabhandham and Vedha Parayanam. On the day of 7th June "Thirunakshat- hram" 4000 devotees assembled and had blessings of His Holiness Srimad Andavan and also had blessings from His Holiness Sri Parakala Math Jeer and His Holiness Sri Rangapriya Swamigal who came to grace the Thirunak shathram. After this, Srimad Andavan visited Satharai village to participate in Samprokshanam. He also visited Utharamerur, Thaiyyar, Villuppuram, Salem, Coimbatore and Pollachi. Mangalasasanam with temple honours in the following temples: Thiruppullani --- Kalyana Jagannathar/SriRamar Thirumogur --- Kaalamegha perumal Thirumalirunsolai --- Kallazhagar Thirukkoshtiyur --- Sowmya Narayanan Thirumayyam --- Sathya Giri Naathar His Holiness is now at Srirangam and on 20th July Chaturmasya Sankalpam will be performed. Other Activities: Srimad Andavan College is expanding the buildings and is expected to start more sections and groups in the coming academic year. Request for liberal contributions.
The chaturmasya sankalpam of Srimad Andavan was performed on 20th July at Srirangam
Ashramam. Over 1000 sishyas were present at the occasion. His Holiness Srimad
Andavan went to Sri Poundarigapuram Ashramam and had blessings from Sri Poundarigapuram
Andavan. Garlands from Divya Desams were presented to His Holiness. On
completion of chaturmasya sankalpam, His Holiness will be proceeding to Bangalore and
onwards to Bombay.
27-3-97 Srimad Andavan during his camp in Jayanagar Andavan Ashramam in Bangalore presides over the 'Samprokshanam' of a separate sannathi for 'Sri Padmavathi Thayaar'. Sri Rangapriya Mahadesikan also participated. Devotees in the thousands participated.
27-3-97(pm) Srimad Andavan visits 'Thiruvaheendrapuram' on the day of 'samprokshanam' of the temple of Sri Hemambujavalli naayikaa sametha Sri Devanatha perumal. His holiness presented rupees 75000 towards yagasalai expenses.
28-3-97 Srimadh Andavan performed mangalasasanam of all the sannithi's in the temple.Later he performed mangalasasanam of sri Nrisimha at the Ahobila Mutt there.
5-4-97 to 20-04-97 Camp at Sripuram Ashramam, Bangalore. His Holiness presided over the samprokshanam of Sri Sudharsana Azhwar sannathi at Srinivasa temple attached to Srimadh Andavan ashramam, Bangalore. Shri Rangapriya Mahadesikan also participated.
20-4-97(pm) Srimadh Andavan visits the T.V.S Suzuki factory in Hosur and was recieved by Shri Venu Srinivasan, Managing Director.
21-4-97 and 22-4-97 Srimadh Andavan camps at Salem.
17-5-97(pm) Srimadh arrives in Chennai Alwarpet ashramam.
18-5-97 and 19-5-97 Alwarpet camp.
20-5-97 to 2-6-97 Visit to several residences in and around Chennai.
3-6-97 to 7-6-97 Camp in Hindu community hall in Nanganallore near Chennai.
7-6-97 Sixty third thirunakshathram of Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan, Srimushnam Srimadh Andavan swamigal. From 3rd to 7th June Divyaprabandham and Vedhapaaraayanam will be taking place. Over 300 vidhwaans are expected to participate. Elaborate arrangements are being made. All the vidhwaans will be honored by His Holiness on this day. Contibutions are welcome from all devotees for the successful conduct of this function. It may be addressed to Srirangam Srimadh Ashramam Camp No. 21, Desikachari Raod, Mylapore Madras 600004.
12-6-97 Srimadh Andavan participates in the samprokshanam of Sri Kariyamanickam permual temple located in Satharai village in Thiruvallur taluk.
19-mar-97, Panguni pushyam- Thirukkudanthai Andavan- thirunakshathram-celebrated in a grand manner at CHENNAI ASHRAMAM. Over 1000 sishyas attented. Prakirtham Andavan SRI RANGARAMANUJA MAHADESIKAN honoured over 100 ubhaya vedhantha vidwans in the vidwat sadas held on the occasion.
21mar1997- Srimadh Andavan visted Sholingapuram and did mangalasasanam of sri AMIRTHAVALLI NAYIKA SAMETHA YOGA NARASIMHA SWAMY sannithi. His holiness then visited the factories of the famous T.V.S.group-Brakes India Ltd,Brakes Division, Foundry Division,TurboEnergy Ltd.,A.B.I.Showatech Ltd.His Hliness showed keen interest in the operations carried out there and blessed them for good progress in future also.
22mar97-camped at Chittore.
23mar97 to 5april 97 Bangalore Jayanagar Ashramam.
6 april 97 to 20 april, 97- Bangalore Sripuram Ashramam
20 april 97 to 23 april 97- Salem camp.
23rd evening Srirangam.
24th apr. evening Uppiliappan Sannithi
25th.26th. Thiruvarur.
29th Thirukknnankudi Vilakkudi.
30th april Mannargudi.
Report on Srimad Andavan college deleted