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If above line looks garbled, you need to download the Mylai-Sri Tamil font and save it in C:\Windows\Fonts |
Sri: Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Vedantha Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Ranganatha Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Srinivasa Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Baghavathe Bhashyakaraya Mahadesikaya Namaha Sri Ranganatha Divyamani Padhukabyam Namaha
!rgfkmf !mtf ~]fdv[f ~sfrmmf
This website is maintained under the guidance of the Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam. Mail comments to Sri. R. Srinivasan
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This page gives the following information about Srimath Anadavan Ashramam. 1.Introduction 2.Significance of Srirangam 3.Acharyas 4.Thanians 5.Guru parampara links 6.Periyashramam 7.Thirukkudanthai Andavan 8.Srimushnam Andavan 9.Veda Patasalas 10.Arts & Science College 11.Ashramam Trusts 12.Yahoo group
Sri Ranganathar (Periya Perumal)
Sri Ranganayaki Thayar Sri Ranganathar(Nam Perumal) Sri Chakrathazhwar
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Sri Ramanujar |
"Sri Ranganatha Paduka" official monthly magazine of Ashramam |
Sri Vedanta Desikan |
India is a land of spiritual and cultural heritage.It is here we have 108 sacred places,popularly called as 108 Divya Desams,the myriad manifestations of Lord Vishnu,sacred in Vaishnavism and the centres of Bhakti cult, of which undoubtably SRIRANGAM occupies the first place.The significance of this place can be visualised by the threefold charm it has--cultural,traditional and spiritual.
Significance of Srirangam
Srirangam,a densly green locality,situated near Tiruchirappalli,320 KMs south of Madras(now known as Chennai).This is encircled by the two rivers of Cauvery and Kollidam,has been the citadel of Bhakti Movement propounded by Sri Ramanuja.This sacred place thus enjoys the veneration of being the first and foremost among the 108 Sri Vaishnava Kshethras and hence known as the Great Temple.Sri Ranganathar is known as Peria Perumal and Sri Ranganayaki Thayar is known as Peria Piratti.The uthsava murthi is popularly known as Nam Perumal
Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam has been the center for spreading the philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism and Prapaththi Marga (Saranagathi) founded and propagated by Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja and nurtured by Sri Nigamantha Mahadesika several centuries ago. Illustrious Acharyas have adorned the Peetam for the past 300 years.
The following web sites are exclusively devoted to Srirangam Temple and the readers may access more information
www.srirangapankajam.com,---www.thiruvarangam.com ---www.namperumal.com---http://namperumal.worldpress.com---www.saranagathi.org
Look at the detailed history of the Ashramam Guru Parampara
(in the ascending order from the present Swamigal.)
No | Acharyan Thirunamam | Known as | Month | Nakshathram |
1 | Sri Rangaraamanuja Mahadesikan | Prakirtham Andavan Swamigal Srimushnam Aandavan Swamigal |
Vaikasi | Thiruvaathirai |
2 | Sri Srinivaasa Ramanuja Mahadesikan | Mysore Andavan Swamigal | Aavani | Uthiram |
3 | Sri Vedaantha Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Thirukkudanthai Aandavan Swaamigal | Panguni | Pushyam |
4 | Sri Ranganaatha Mahadesikan | Thenpirai Aandavan Swaamigal | Aavani | Revathi |
5 | Sri Srinivaasa Mahadesikan | Aakkoor Aandavan Swaamigal | Purattaasi | Uththirattaathi |
6 | Sri Vedaantha Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Therazhundhur Aandavan Swaamigal | Aavani | Poorattathi |
7 | Sri Srinivaasa Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Kaadanthethi Andavan Swaamigal | Aavani | Moolam |
8 | Sri Paadukaa Sevaka Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Chinnaandavan Swamigal | Kaarthigai | Magam |
9 | Sri Srinivaasa Mahadesikan | Srimath Periyaandavan Swamigal | Maasi | Pushyam |
10 | Sri Srinivaasa Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Thiruthuraipoondi Andavan Swamigal | Aippasi | Utthirattaathi |
11 | Sri Vedaantha Raamaanuja Mahaadesikan | Vazhuthoor Andavan Swamigal | Aavani | Poorattaathi |
12 | Sri Gopaalarya Mahaadesikan | Thirukkudanthai Desikan Swamigal | Purattaasi | Pooraadam |
13 | Sri VedanthaRaamaanuja Mahadesikan | Saatchat Swamy | Chiththirai | Thiruvathirai |
14 | Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan | |||
15 | SriBrahmathanthra Swatantra Mahadesikan | |||
16 | Sri Kumara Varadarya Mahaguru | |||
17 | Sri Nigamantha Mahadesikan | Swamy Desikan | Purattasi Thiruvonam(Sravanam) | |
18 | Sri Ramanujar (Udayavar, Bashyakarar, Yathirajar, Emperumanar) | Chiththirai Thiruvathirai | ||
19 | Sri Perianambi (Mahapoornar, Parankusar) | Margazhi | ||
20 | Sri Aalavandar (Srimad Yamanamuni, Yamunaithuraivan) | Aad | ||
21 | Sri Manakkal Nambi (Rama misrar) | Maasi | ||
22 | Sri Uyyakkondar (Pundarikakshar) | Chithirai | Karthigai | |
23 | Sriman Nathamuni | Aani | Anusham | |
24 | Sri Nammazhwar (Satakopan) | Vaikasi | Visakam | |
25 | Sri Senai Mudaliar (Vishwaksenar) | Aipasi | Puradam | |
26 | Sri Peria Piratti (Ranganayaki Thayaar) | Panguni | Uthiram | |
27 | Sri Peria Perumal (Ranganathar Swami) | Revathi |
The Acharyas of Andavan Ashramam have been acknowledged as being the great scholars of their times. Their Gnanam, Anushtanam, Simplicity and Vairagyam have served as shining examples to hundreds of thousands of sishyas and admirers. H.H. Periandavan, H.H. Nammandavan, H.H. Akkur Andavan and H.H. Thirukkudanthai Andavan have travelled by Padayatra to every nook and corner to perform Panchasamskara (Samasrayanam) and Prapaththi (Saranagathi) for thousands of Sishyas over the past several decades. Their discourses on many aspects of Indian philosophy, Srimath Ramayanam, Srimath Bhagavad Geetha, Sri Bhashyam and other classic Granthams etc. have captivated and charmed several generations of followers and admirers alike.
Srirangam Periashramam
This ashramam, called Periashramam is located on the north-west side of Srirangam on the banks of river Kollidam. This has the distinction of being the abode of all the Poorvacharyas performing daily aradhanams for PerumAl and PadukAs. A motorable road leads to the ashramam premises.
Brindavanams of Srimath Periandavan and Srimath Thirkkudanthai Andavan are located here.There is a Perumal Sannathi with Sri Srinivasa Perumal and Sri Varadarja Perumal.Nithyaradanams are performed here.Several devotees perform Thirumanjanams for the above mentioned Andavan Swamigals.
On anyday tirumanjanams either for Periandavan or Thirukkudanthai Andavan or for both can be arranged by the Manger in charge of Ashramam at Srirangam. The cost of Tirumanjanam at any one of these Sannathis can be arranged on a payment of Rs. 300 (minimum)
Adjacent to Periashramam, Chinnashramam is located.Besides an Acharyan Brindavanam, Veda Patasalai also is located here.
Daily Programme in the Ashramam.
Ashramam Aaraadhakar performs Nithya aaraadhanam for Sri Venugopalaswmy.His Holiness performs Perumal( in the form of Saligramams)and Paduka aaraadanams of Poorvachariars. .Everyday during the Aaraadhanam time,it is a practice to recite Alwars' Thiruppalli Ezhuchchi,Thiruppallandu,Thiruppavai,followed by Ashramam Sathumurai.Devotees then pay their respects to His Holiness and get His blessings and Manthratchatai.After this follow the functions of Pancha samskaram(Samasrayanam)and Saranagathi(Prapathi),for the desiring devotees.All these are followed by Thadheeyaaraadhanam everyday.Every evening Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam and Swami Desikan's Garuda Dandakam Paaraayanam followed by Sri Venugopalaswami Aaraadhanam Saathumurai and Ghoshti prasadam.
It may noted that our Ashramam has a separate fund
created for daily aaraadanams, called "Nithyaaraadanams". Those interested can
donate an amount of Rs.1000 and in multiples. Interest earned from these investements will
be used for Ashramam daily activities.During morning Tiruvaradanams, Archana will be
performedonce every year and the Manthratchadai of H.H. will be sent to the donors postal
address.Even those residing overseas can get to participate and Manthratchadai of H.H.
will be airmailed to their overseas address, for which an additional cost will have to be
made.This is a great opportunity for all devotees of Andavan Ashramam, as on the birth day
of each member of a family will get the Archnai performed ( even without being able to go
to a temple on that particular day ),and Manthratchadai from H.H. will reach you by mail,
in whichever part of India you are or even a different country of rwsidence. Your
contributions for Nithya aaraadanams will be a great strength to the daily activities of
Ashramam. If any one need more informations on this, you may directly contact Ashramam
The adjacent photograph shows the entrance to Perumal Sannathi as well as Periandavan's Brindavanam.
(The information given below is in addition to the detailed one in Chapter 10 of Guru Parampara)
During the reign of H.H. Srimath Thirukkudanthai Andavan from 1963 to 1989,
branches of our Ashramam were established in New Delhi,
Madras, Bombay, Hyderabad, Bangalore(Sripuram), Bangalore(Jayanagar),
Neyveli, Melkote, Rishikesh, Kumbakonam, Uppiliappan Sannathi, Tirumalai (Tirupathi)
. New temples were built ,as attached to the Ashramam at the following
places.1)New Delhi--Sri Vaikuntanatha Perumal Temple, 2)Dombivili (Bombay)--Sri
Balaji Temple , 3)Hyderabad--Sri Mahalakshmi,Sri Mahavishnu Temple,
4)Bangalore,Sripuram--Sri Srinivasa Perumal,Sri Padmavati Thayar Temple,
5)Bangalore,Jayanagar--Sri Andal, Sri Rangamannar Temple .In some of the locations
marriage halls are attached to the Asramam
Several old temples were renovated. H.H. Srimath Andavan undertook the construction of the massive second tier of the South Rajagopuram at Srirangam at the cost of over Rs. 12 lakhs. The Sarangapani temple chariot at Kumbakonam was repaired at a cost of Rs. 7.5 lakhs and the car festival was resumed in 1984 after a gap of 48 years. A few Ayurvedic dispensary was established in 1975 to afford free treatment to the poorer sections. The Acharya traversed throughout Bharat to bless the sishyas at their places covering over 40,000 kms. by padayatra only. The most notable achievement of the Acharya was the establishment of the Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidhyalaya which has recently completed his silver jubilee. In His poorvashramam days H.H. is popularly known as Sri Kannan Swamigal . H.H. has delivered several Upanyasams and Kalakshepams and were will attended everytime. His uanyasams on Sri Andal's Thiruppavai were so rich in our sampradaya matters,even now many of His Sishyas who were trained by Him for delivering discourses are quoting profusely from what they were taught by Him.His Holiness definitely has given us a few sishyas to continue the tradition of delivering discourses.Every year in the month of Panguni ,Sri Paduka ViharaVidwat Sadas is held ,to coinside H.H.'s thirunakshatram day when several Ubaya Vedanta vidwans participate and get honouredunder the presence of our Acharya.His Holiness Kaalakshepams on Sri Bhagawat Vishayam appeared as a series in the Ashramam Magazine Sri Ranganatha Paduka and are now availble in book forms at the Ashramam in Madras. These volumes will be a very valuable additions to home libraries of devotees.
Srimath Srimushnam Andavan (Prakirtham Swamy)--Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan
H.H. Srimath Srimushnam Andavan has been propagating the principles of universal brotherhood and peace amongst all sections of the society. He has performed Panchasamskaram(Samasrayanam) and Prapathi(Saranagathi) for thousands of sishyas. During His travel to various places, Perumal and Paduka Aradhanams were conducted at several residences of devotees all over India.His Holiness enthusiastically accompanies Sri Venugopalaswamy for the Dolothsavam at the residences of various devottees and during those occasions it will be pleasing to hear His short discourses on our Sampradaya matters.Sri Paduka Vidwat Sadas is continued every year and His Holiness leads the lively and interesting discussions and encourages various vidwans to present their views on the topics chosen .
His Holiness is an erudite and articulate scholar having completed his Siromani in Tharka Sastra and having formally qualified as a Tamil Pandit also in his Poorvashrama. His masterly knowledge of the sastras, his impressive discourses, pleasing manners and his sparkling humor have endeared him to thousands of sishyas and also to admirers outside the sampradaya.Every one of the sishyas of Ashramam admire His Holiness's sound knowledge in Indian traditional medicines,like Ayurveda ,and take advice from Him regularly.The same can be said on our Acharyan's knowledge in astrology .Our Acharya can said to be a voracious reader of not only books related to our sampradaya,but also on other subjects of importance.His Holiness once has exhibited His skill as a craftsman and has sculptured the image of Sri LakshmiNarayana Perumal by His own hands on a granite slab .
During the Sashtiabdapoorthi celebrations of His Holiness held a few years back,a two volume book of Sri Swami Desikan's Sri Paduka Sahasram with the vyakyanam (commentary ) in Tamil of Srimadh Therazhundur Andavan was released for the benefit of devotees and copies of which are still available in Chennai Ashramam
His Holiness Sapthathi (71st birth day) Tirunakshatram was celebrated in Sriranagm Periashramam on a grand scale on Vaikasi Tiruvadirai date 2005.
The most recent event one of His 74th
Tirunakshatram was performed in Tiruchanoor Srimath Andavan Ashramam premises and was well
attended by hundreds of devotees.
Tirumala Srimath Andavan Ashramam:
Srimath Andavan Ashramam has been accorded a special status,on par, with other prominent
Ashramam and Matams Ilike Parakala Mutt,Ahobila Mutt
and others.As per that,H.H. will be accorded once every year,full traditional honours.
In the abode of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumalai a new complex for our ashramam was built a few years back. The ashramam has several well furnished rooms to accomodate the visiting devotees. If anyone wishes to make advance reservations to reside in the ashramam, they may send the request to the ashramam at Tirumalai. Dormitory accomodation is given free of cost to the visitng devotees,as per the directions of His Holiness.
This ashramam at Tirumalai was built entirely from donations received from various devotees,on the land provided by T.T.devasthanam,as a compensation to the take over of theAshramam's earlier building taken over by them. Perumal and Paduka Aradhanams are conducted everyday.A scheme called Daily ThatheyArAdhana is in practice and the devotees visiting the ashramam are given lunch free of cost both in the morning and evening. This facility provided to the devotees ,under instructions from Srimad Andavan Swamigal, is very well appreciated ,particularly during Brahmotsvam days.To meet the costs for this purpose Sri Srimath Bhagawath Bashyakara Thathiyaradhana Trust is established, which receives donations from devotees for conducting this activity. Donations made to this Trust will be tax exempted under 80 (G). Besideds this Thatheeyaradanam, many vivisting are also given food packets every day aroung noon time. This expenses are also met by contributions from devotees.A one time donation of Rs. 10,000 will be deposited in a Bank and the interest earned from such deposit will be used for Nithyaaradanam expenses on a particular day of an year as per the wishes of the donor. Those who would like to donate for this purpose may send their donations in the name of SSBBTT, Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam, Ring Road, Tirumala 517504
Educational Activities
Veda Patasalas
At Srirangam, the ashramam is running Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya. This was established in Dec. 1967,by His Holiness Thirukkudanthai Andavan as a centre for development of Vedic studies, pure sastras,Sanskrit and Divya Prabandam. The Sanskrit College is affliated with Bharatidasan University.Students appear for Sironmani exams.The Vidyalaya teaches Nyaya, Memamsa and Vyakarana courses.There are over 50 vidyarthis and more than 50% of them are trained in Yajur and Sama Vedas.The faculty has 10 teaching staff,all are well experienced.It is a fullfledged residential college,where free boarding and lodging are provided to all vidyarthees and teachers.Further a stipend is provided to each student .The funds for this activity is generated by Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust,through various donations from devotees and other wellwishers of Ashramam.
Donations from public are welcome for the support of the above Institution and to be sent to Sri Rangantha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust. These donations have the income tax exemption facility in India,as per clause 80(g).
Education is an eye opener to humanity.The importance of education and the formidable role it plays inthis materialitic world has been envisaged by our Acharyan Srimath Srimushnam Andavan Swamigal,who has been doing a lot of social welfare activities,in addition to spread of Bhakti.Himself being a veteran teacher,His Holiness left no stone unturned,in rejuvenating the society through principles of universal brotherhood and peace
Prakirtham Srimath Andavan Swamigal took great efforts to establish Veda Patasalas in Vaduvoor, Kanchipuram,Tiruvaheendrapuram, Uththiramerur,and Tiruchanoor.Nearly 500 young boys in the age group between 7 yrs and 14yrs. are in the various stages of this vedic studies.Plans are their to start one Patasala each in Karnataka and Rajasthan. By all means, it can be termed as a magnificient acievement of Srimath Andavan Swamigal.
Srimath Andavan Arts and Science College, at Srirangam
His Holiness is of the strong opinion that in the modern days,the upliftment of society can take place only through education and had been instrumental for further development of the Vidyalaya.There had been an insatiable desire in Him to start an Arts & Science College,for the benefit of the local residents of Srirangam,who have to necessarily go out for higher studies.
As an extension to the vidyalaya, to help the
poorer sections of our society, a Arts and Science college was formally inaugurated on the
26th of October 1997 by the former President of India, Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma. As per the
instructions of Srimad Andavan, the college is run independently with endowments setup by
the Ashramam without financial assistance from the government. His Holines has directed
that no capitation fee will be taken for admission.Admissions are based solely on meritand
as per some Govt. regulations as applicable.. Donations are welcome to supplement
the endowment for the continued growth of the college. Please address donations to Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust.
Donations received by the trust have Government of India approval under Income Tax Act
80(G) exemption for tax purposes.
Residents in USA,are invited to donate for the cause of education as well as for supporting Sanskrit , Vedic and Divya Prabandam studies in this Vidyalaya by young boys,may route their donations through the following Institutions,to avail Tax Deduction facility in that country.The payments may be made with specific referece to Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust,which runs these institutions. If you need any more information on this you may contact these Institutions in U.S.A.or Sri Ranganatha Paduka Vidyalaya Trust
The institutions which are authorised by His Holiness Srimath Andavan Swamigal for this purpose are,
Sri Ramanuja Mission, near Washington DC (affiliated with Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam). Visit www.ramanujamission.org web site.
Sri Paduka Charities
Andavan ashramam has some affiliated registered public trusts, like Sri Paduka Charities, Srimath Andavan Trust etc, mainly to help poor families at the time of marriage and also for Apara Kainkaryam (in case of death), free Ayurvedic dispensary. Sri Paduka Charities,under the directions of His Holiness,maintains at Chennai two marriage halls,at the Asrmam complex,in Chennai.It also organises Samashti upanayanam for poor srivaishnavaite young boys and all expences in this connection is bourne by them.This is done around the thirunakshathram day of Srimath, Periandavan --Maasi Pushyam.Every year a minimum of 30 boys are getting this benefit and obtain the blessings of Srimath Andavan.
Srimath Andavan Trust , Chennai has created a corpus fund . The interest earned by the Trust is utilised for the purpose of providing Tirumangalyam,in gold weighing around 4 gms.,to all the needy poor Srivaishnavaite families, at the time of the marraige of their daughters.There is a necessity to enhance the capital of this trust, the returns gained by this trust will benefit many more poor famillies. Those interested may give donations to this Trust. The payments may be made in the name of Srimath Anadavan Trust and the address isNo.31,Desikachari Road, Mylapore,Chennai 600 040
The ashramam publishes a monthly magazine "Sri Ranganatha Paduka". Click here for more information about how to subscribe.
Ther are many other publications related to our Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam,audio cassettes and CDs ,the details of which may be found by clicking against "Publications". .
Andavan Yahoo Group
For Srimath Andavan Ashramam news updates please join the Andavan yahoo group. Its a free service offered and the members will get regular updates of Ashramam activities and they can also exchange on matters of importance with other members of the group..