Sreemathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sreemathe RangaRamanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam, Anna Nagar West, Chennai 600040
This centre is developed as an extension of Srirangam Srimath Anadavan Ashramam in the western suburb of Chennai, by Srimath Andavan Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan.
This is located in the residential property of Pudukkottai Sri Nallan Chakravarthi R. Srinivasan, at plot number 1557, 17th Main Road, Anna Nagar west, 600040.
First floor of this property of about 1600 sq. ft is dedicated to Srimath Andavan Ashramam activities. There is a big hall of over 600 sq.ft, which hosted Upanyasams from leading Ubaya Vedantha Vidwans, conducted as per the guidance of Srimath Andavan. In the initial stages support and encouragement given by U.Ve. Sri Sridhara Thathachariar. Sri Krishnaswamy Iyengar and the then Srikaryam Swamy of Andavan Ashramam Sri U.Ve. Madhavachariar were major sources of strength in the development of this centre.
Upanyasa Centre
Originally this place was called as Upanyasa Centre only. Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam name, meaning “”the cradle for playing by Padukas””, was given by Srimath Andavan during His camp in 1993-4. For nearly 12 years, Upanyasakars nominated by Srimath Andavan Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan,have given discourses on
- Tiruppavai,
- Srimath Ramayanam and
- Srimath Bhagavataham.
Besides these His Holiness has delivered discourse on Daya Satakam for 2 weeks in two sessions. Sri Sthuthi upanyasam by Sri Seva Swamy for 31 days and the Saathumurai was held in the presence of Swamy Desikan from Mani mandapam, Villivakkam.
This upanyasa Centre has been the most sought after by Upanyasakars, as the conduct of this has the blessings of Srimath Andavan, and in western suburb of Chennai city this has become very popular from devotees.
Following is the list of U.Ve. Vidwans who have rendered upanyasams in this Centre
- Srimath Andavan Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan
- U.Ve. Sri Sridhara Thathachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri Adoor Asuri Madhavachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri Veerapuram Krishnamachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri Srivathsankachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri Seva N. Srinivasaraghavachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri V S Karunakarachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri Natteri Rajagopalachariar Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri SriVilliputhur Srimad Rangam Swamy
- U.Ve.Sri NarasimhaRaghavachariar Swamy
- U.Ve. Sri Kalyanapuram Aravamudhachariar Swamy and
- U.Ve.Sri Vaduvur Veeraraghavachariar Swamy
Santhai Classes
“”Santhai “” classes on Nithyanusanthanam, Swamy Desikan Stothrams and Sri Ramanuja Nootranthathi were conducted by eminent Ubhaya Vedantha Vidwans and enthusiastically participated by atleast 15 to 20 devotees. These were conducted by Villivakkam Sri Varadachariar Swamy, Kaaniambakkam Sri Ranganathachariar Swamy and Villivakkam Kozhialam Sri Seshadri Swamy.
Classes on Sri Paduka Sahasram
Sri A L Narasimhan of Pon Vilaintha Kalathur is an ardent propagator of Swamy Desikan's Sri Paduka Sahasram. He has done voluntarily at several placesm classes on Sri Paduka Sahasram and expressed his desire to do the same for the benefit of Anna nagar devotees. He conducted classes for 2 days a week and completed the full lessons here, explaining the meanings of all slokas. Many devotees participated enthusiastically and also attended a test at the end of the course.
Roll of friends and well wishers
Organising such major events require the support of closely participating friends and well wishers. Sri Krishnaswamy Mama , Advocate Sri Parthasarathi Iyengar, Tirukkudanthai V. Srinivasan, Registrar Sri D Srinivasan and his brother Sri D Sridharan, Halls Road Sri Kannan, Sri Godha Rangan, Ladavaram L S Gopalan, Sri D Rajamani, Sri V G Srinivasan, MES Sri Seshadri, Sri Krishnan, Sri Ramarajan and Sri K S Ramabadran are among many others who were all stood by my side and given all possible encouragement. The list includes several ladies , who regularly attended the upanyasams as well Srimath Andavan camping days.
Nithya Aradanam
Srimath Andavan Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan has nurtured the development of this centre into a prominent Sri Vaishnava Kendram in the west Madras neighbourhood.
H.H has camped here almost every year, particularly on His return journey from north India tour, before reaching Alwarpet. There used to be a saying that whenever he needs a peaceful stay away from crowded city Ashramam, he preferred to camp in Anna Nagar, Such is the affinity He had shown.
During His stay, nithya Perumal and Paduka aradanams were held, Theertha prasadams were obtained by devotees. Immediately after this Gadya thrayam and Sri Paduka Sahasram Parayanam were held. Many sishyas had their Samasrayanam and Bharanyasam done by H.H.
Devotees around this place requested for Dolai as well as Ponnadi by H H. Mangalasasanam of nearby temples were also done, during His camp here.
During the camping of Srimath Andavan, Ashramam Trustees, Sri Eytex Rajagopal, Sri G Rangachariar, Sri Upendran, Sri Godha Rangan, Sri A G Ranganathan enthusiatically participated. Sri S Vasudevan was closely associated with this centre from the beginning and was a great support during all Camps of Srimath Andavan in this centre.
First ever visit to this house happened in the year 1992, at which time Srimath Andavan made only Paadha Sancharam. H H walked all the way from His previous camping place in Adyar nearly 18 Kms. H H was given a rousing reception at the start of Anna Nagar, near Round Tana with two temple umbrellas accompanying and nathaswaram. Only after a couple of years later, considering His health conditions, we, the sishyas persuaded Him to take Van for Sancharams, which He reluctantly agreed.
Audio recordings
Srimath Andavan in His own Thirvaakku recorded various Sri Sooktees like Sri Alavandar's Stotra ratnam, Sri Ramanuja's Gadya thrayam, Swami Desikan's Stotrams, including Paduka Sahasram and Sri Valmiki's Sundara Kandam. All these were recorded in Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam, during his camp in this location. Sri Vasudevan's son gave a helping hand in recoding all these works.After recording, these were made in audio cassettes,which were then later converted into audio CDs . These were made available for sale through Ashramam.
All these H H renderings were uploaded in Ashramam web site here, which had a wider circulation and well received by devotees.
Ashramam's very important event: Former Srikaryam Swamy Sri Madavacahariar made his exit from Ashramam by handing over all Ashramam keys, records and properties at this Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam to H.H., Sri RangaRamanuja Mahadesikan, during his camp here.
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Industrial visits made by Srimth Andavan.
Many factories has invited H H to make Ponnadi in their premises. Due to my Association with TVS group, I could make these arrangements in Brakes India , Wheels India, Sundaram Medical Foundation. With the blessings of H H all these companies are doing well.
Brakes India visits are made to various locations. In Sholighur, brakes division, Foundry division, Turbo Energy etc, At this time Mangalasasanam of Sholighur Sri Nrisimhar temple was done.
Other locations of Brakes India was covered at different times, like in Polambakkam, Nanjangud and Gurguan. For many years Brakes India's main Ayudha Pujas were conducted by Ashramam Aradakars.
=======Industrial visits made by Srimth Andavan.
Many factories has invited H H to make Ponnadi in their premises. Due to my Association with TVS group, I could make these arrangements in Brakes India , Wheels India, Sundaram Medical Foundation, TVS Motors and Sundaram Fasteners in Hosur. With the blessings of H H all these companies are doing well.
Brakes India visits are made to various locations. In Sholighur, brakes division, Foundry division, Turbo Energy etc, At this time Mangalasasanam of Sholighur Sri Nrisimhar temple was done.
Other locations of Brakes India was covered at different times, like in Polambakkam, Nanjangud and Gurguan. For many years Brakes India's main Ayudha Pujas were conducted by Ashramam Aradakars.
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Villivakkam Ashramam Koil
This koil is an offshoot of Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam.
Original owner of this temple Sri Veerapuaram Krishnamachariar has given dicourses in this Upanyasa Centre on Tiruppavai, Srimad Ramayanam and Srimath Bhagavatam under the nomination of Srimath Andavan. In his old age, nearing 90, he wanted to transfer the temple originated by him, to a party, who will administer it in future, as his poor health is not permitting. He approached me on this and I gave a suggestion to transfer it to Andavan Ashramam, which he readily accepted. His Holiness took some time to accept this and after that H H took charge fully, organised renovation work. Funds were mobilised and Mahasamprokshanam was performed in the year 2013 Thai maasam Pushya Nakshatram ,by Sri Yamunachariar Swamy, (who is now the present Andavan Swamigal after Srimushnam Andavan) . This temple has the sambandam of both the Andavan Swamigals. Sri Paduka Vihara Bhavanam has played a roll in this development.
Picture gallery of this temple Samprokshanam can be viewed in our Ashramam web site here, as a slide show
Visit of other SriVaishanava Yathees in Padka Vihara Bhavanam.
- Ahobila Mutt Jeer Srimath Villivalam Swamy, visited the house and performed Dolothsavam of Sri Malola Kannan
- Parakala Mutt Jeer also visited the house with Ponnadi
- Pictures taken on these occasions appear in the web site here
With the niyamanam of Srimath Andavan, Andavan website was started nearly 20years back, that is the start of Internet facility in India. This has the wealth of information about Ashramam, but can't say it is complete. Continuous updates are not happeing in this, as nowadays, Ashramam Whatsupp groups are very active and uptodate.
In the recent additions to the website are the massive amount of photographs which are all taken during various upanyasams in this centre over a 12 year period. These are displayed as a slide show in the website here. These will be in the memory of all those who attended at that time. Nearly 400 photographs are there for you to enjoy.
Saalkkinaru renovation
In the same website picture gallery, you can enjoy views of the famous Saalakkinaru of Sri Ramanuja's fame. All of you are aware that Srimath Andavan wanted to do the same kainkaryam, which Sri Ramanuja done nearly 1000 years back. H.H nominated a person to fetch Theertam from the same well, which is located near Sevilimedu for Sri Deva perumal Tiruvaaraadanam. But the person by name Sri Narasimhan, had faced difficulties in feching a good and clean water, as the place around the well was dirty due to close by slums in that area. He and one Sri Thallam Ravi approached me to do a renovation work on the well, cleaning and plastering etc., and making foolproof barricades, so that outsiders do not spoil the water. With the niyamanam of Srimath Andavan,this work was carried out. At the same time, we planned to do a compound wall around the well, with iron gates . Since this is a temple property, we made a request to the then E.O. of HR&CE to permit us to do the work, which he agreed. On completion of work, E O along with temple Maniagar , Sri Sampath made a visit and approved the construction work done. Now the well is very safe with a lock and key and is under Ashramam's hold, to fetch water even today, in fulfillment of Sri Ramanuja's wish. You may see inside, a commemeration plaque is kept thst the work was undertaken by Sri Srinivasan and his family members under the niyamanam of Srimath Andavan. Later, as an improvement, flooring work with cement was also carried, to prevent growth of bushes around the well. The then Ashramam Manager Sri Thathachariar gave all the help required on this project.
During one of his Camp in Kanchipuram, H H made a visit to this Saalakkinaru and the nearby Sri Ramanuja's Temple and expressed His happiness on the work done.
You may have a look at these events here.
Srimath Andavan is continuing the service even today of nominating a kainkaryabarar to fetch water everyday for Sri Deva Perumal Nitya Aradanam
Kanchipuram Ashramam cum Veda Patasala ( New Complex )
Old Ashramam buildings needed demolition and a new complex work has been entrusted to Adiyen by Srimath Andavan with all proper permissions . A new Patasala premises has been built in a year's time. Srimath Andavan entrusted the Grihapravesam work also to Adiyen to perform. The new building is now serving Ashramam's needs with comfortable living space and very useful at the time of Srimath Andavan's camp in Kanchipuram.
Andavan Yahoogroups
Andavan yahoogroups is very active and it has a large membership of nearly 1700 members. The address is andavan@yahoogroups.com
Devotees are invited to get enrolled as member, by clicking against the yahoogroups link given in the website www.andavan.org
Srimath Andavan Tiruvadi
Pudukkottai Nallan Chakravarthi R Srinivasan.( R S )
E mail r_sv@yahoo.com
web site www.andavan.org