"Sri Ranganatha Paduka "Subscription Information.This is the official magazine of Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam.This is published at the beginning of every Tamil month.
Sampathakar ( Editor ) : Sri Natteri Kidambi Rajagopalachariar.
Subscription for “Sri Ranganatha Paduka”,
Tamil Monthly
For Indian Residents
Annual Rs.200, 5 years Rs.1000, 10 years Rs.2000. 20 years( Life ) Rs.3000
For Overseas Residents (Including Airmail postage)
Print Edition 1 year US$40 5 years US $ 200, 10 years US $ 400
Print plus E Edition 1 year US$60 5 years US $ 300, 10 years US $ 600
E Edition only 1 year US$20 5 years US $ 100, 10 years US $ 200
NEW Starting from April 2010 ---
Subscription for English Version of Sri Ranganatha Paduka, E Edition Only
For Indian Residents For Overseas Residents
Rs.360 per year US $ 12 per year
Payment Mode:
Cheques / D.D. encashable at Chennai are to be drawn in the name of
“Sri Ranganatha Paduka” and sent to
Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam,
No.31, Desikachari Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004. India
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Sri Ramanuja Mission Inc. For details contact
Sri. Raman Aravamudhan at ramanaravamudhan@yahoo.com.
Subscriptions from other countries are to be sent directly to Chennai address.
For any further information on the above matters you may please contact e-mail to
Sri R. Srinivasan at r_sv@yahoo.com
Important Note:- All subscribers are requested to provide their
e-mail ids.and postal address along with their subscription.
Other related Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya Publications
1.Sri Nrisimhapriya, Both Tamil & English monthly editions from Sri Ahobila Mutt, Editor U.Ve.P.K.Lakshminarasimhachariar, Address ; Sri Nrisimha Priya,
No.30 Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004, Phone 044 2461 1540, e mail ; nrisimhapriya@vsnl.net.
Annual Subscription- print edition--, Rs 200, Overseas US $ 50 per year,Life Subscription Rs.10,000
2.Sri Kanchi Peraruralan,Tamil monthly edition,Patron Paravakkottai Srimath Andavan,Pounadarikapuram Ashramam,Editor U.Ve.Dr.N.S.Ramanuja Thathachariar.
Annual subscription Rs55, 2 Yrs. Rs100, 4 Yrs. 200, Patron Rs 501,Life Rs1301
Address : Sri Kanchi Perarulalan, B2, Ground Floor, 5th Street,, No 14, Dr. Subbarayan Street, Kodambakkam,,Chennai 600 024. Phone 044 2375 0675. Cheques may drawn in
the name of "SHVSVVA SABHA"
4.Sri Desika Seva,Tamil monthly edition,Founder Sri Seva Swamy,Sri Seva N.SrinivasaRagahvachariar,Contact e mail seva@sevaonline.org ,website www.sevaonline.org
Annual Subscription Rs 100.Payments to be in the name of Sri Desika Seva, Seva Swamy Memorial Foundation, No 10, Lakhmipuram 2nd Street, Villivakkam, Chennai 600 049,
Phone 044 2618 0481, Sri Gantamani
5. Sapthagiri, TTD Magazine in different Indian Languages. Annual Subsciption Rs 60, Life subscription Rs 500. Payment may sent to Chief Editor, "Sapthagiri", T.T.D. Tirupati
Pin code 517507, Phone 0877 2264543
6. a)Sri Hayagreeva Sevaka -Tamil Monthly for Sri Vaishnavas. b) Sri Vedantha Desika Vidya - English monthly for Sri Vaishnavas. Editor for both is Sri T.C.Shrinivaasan.
Annual Subscription Rs. 100 for each. Payment to be sent to Sri Vedantha Desika Vidya Trust, No.16, 2nd Main Road, AVM Avenue, Virugambakkam, Chennai 600 092
Related Links
Audio Cassettes and CD's of recitals by HH Srimath Andavan